06 first kiss

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Jennie's POV

I'm looking a love story book but a sudden touch of someone's lips touch into mine

And that guy is.......


My first kiss was gone!!
That first kiss was supposed to be my first boyfriend!!
That first kiss was supposed to be my husband!!
That first kiss was supposed to be my love of my life!!

But then, that first kiss was gone in this man In front of me

I ran towards the rooftop and cried hard

What the heck?! I thought this day would be a nice day but heck my first kiss was suddenly gone!!

"Oh Pls.!! Help me with this big problem!!!" I shouted with all of my life

I heard the door opened, revealing the man who stole my first kiss


"What are you doing here Jennie-ssi?"
He asked with a pitty on his face

"I should be the one who will ask you that, what are you doing here?!"

"I'm looking for you to say sorry for what happened earlier but why did you cry of that kiss??" he asked

"Stop saying kiss!! I hate that word!!"

"Kiss?? Hahaha kiss! Kiss!kiss! Hahaha" he said making me irritate more

"Aish!! Stop it Taehyung-ah!!" I shouted then cried again

"Sshhhh! Stop crying because of that word Jennie-ah" he said but laughed silently

Silence surrounds the area and only my sobs can be heard

"Jennie-ah" he called broking the silence


"Can I ask you something?"

"Sure, what is *sobs*  it Taehyung-ah?"

"Why did you cry??" He asked with a worry

Will I tell him? Or I will just lie to him?

I just smile at him

"Kiss! Kiss! Kiss!" He teasingly said, again

"Aish!! Taehyung!!!"

"Why did you cry??" He asked again

"BECAUSE IT WAS MY FIRST CHU-CHU!!" I shouted without saying the word 'kiss'

Taehyung covers his mouth then.....

"WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" He laughed loudly


I'm now here at our house, I leave Taehyung laughing at the rooftop and yes, I walkout


Taehyung's POV

"WAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" I laughed very hard

That was the only reason why she cried


I stop laughing when Jennie was gone

Aish!!! She walkout!!


Lisa's POV

It's been two weeks since Jennie is quite

We don't know why

We ask her why is she quite all the time
But she just answer nothing and smiled, yeah that's what she do


I'm near at the gym wearing this short shorts as in its too short ..yeah i wear shorts but not this kind of small shorts

Why I choose this kind of sports that wears a very small shorts!!

BTW, I choose volleyball as a sports


"Please encircle what sports do you like" our adviser said "but if you don't want just pass it to the front"

table tennis

So I encircle the volleyball, but my friends just pass the paper

Oh well, only me and Jennie loves sports

                   ***end of flashback***

So that's what happened

"Lisa!" Jennie called out with a smile on her face "your so sexy when you wear that"

"Aish!! Stop it Jennie-ah,, I will go to the comfort room and change" I said

Oh yay! Jennie is smiling ....anyways,,Jennie likes short shorts that's why she did not complain

"No!, I'm just kidding" she pouted

"Yeah right" I said


The game started and I'm the server

I throw the ball and give a spike

The people started clapping and whistling

"Go Lisa! Go Jennie!" Our friends shouted

I think this is the best day of my life


Yeah guys it's been a month that I never updated this chapter/story

Sorry because this is just short...I'm really really sorry for that, anyways I just updated this chapter



THANK YOU!!! ♡♡♡♡

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