21 Plane

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Lisa's POV

Since I really can't move on, I decided to go to France for 3 or 6 months I think...
just to forget him, away from the people who gave me pain.

I brought a ticket and waited for about 45 mins. for the plane to take off. I walked through the plane tube and searched for my seat.

Then suddenly I found a man sitting beside me. I tried to look for the face and found out my EX.

"WHAT THE FVCK?!?" I shouted at angriness

"Stop making a scene Lisa" He said calmly

I looked around and all the people are gossiping and glaring at me

"I'm sorry" I said sincerly at them

I sat down. "What are you doing?! Are you fvcking following me?!??" I asked him

"No" He shortly replied

"Get out off at my seat" I said as if I was the boss


"Get the fvck off my seat EX" I said remarking the 'EX'.. yeah shut up. Im bitter.. tsk.

Later on, the flight attendant stopped me "Uhmm... excuse me ma'am what's the problem?" She asked.

"He is taking my seat!" I shouted and stood up

"Uhmm.. ma'am, this is also his seat. look at his seat number" She calmly explained

OMG! That was so Embarrassing! I sat down out of embarrassment.

Spell 'Awkward'

That is what we are right now! ughhhh!

I'm going to France to forget him but instead it became a nightmare.
Since I'm so tired, I just took a nap.

~~~A few minutes later~~~

I felt someones fanning into my face.
"I'll never stop loving you Lisa" J-Jun-Jungk--JUNGKOOK?!?!

I just let my eyes closed and I kept listening  to him

"The truth is, I did not kiss Tzuyu. It was just a misunderstood but I understand".....He said...."I can't take my eyes off you. Everytime I see you cry, I felt  my heart softening and keeps beating by your name"
I felt a wet drop into my face. Wait--- Is Jungkook Crying?!?

I want to open my eyes but its forcing me to close. WHAT IS HAPPENING??
why cant I control myself?

"When Everytime I see you smile, *sniffs* I feel the whole world will stop for a while. I feel like the whole world is turning only for you" He continued

I felt another teardrop in my head. Should I forgive him? Should I open my eyes and hug him? Should I trust him?

I forced to open my eyes but I still can't. "I will protect you 'cuz you are my world Lisa" He said and Kissed my forehead.

A minute passed by so I decided to wake up. And there, I saw him sleeping with his mouth open.

I admit it, He is so Fvcking cute! Damn! I stare at it for awhile until I didn't  realize it takes about 10 mins.

"Stop staring like that or I will melt" he chuckled "just take a picture of me and stare at it"


"E-Excuse me?! I-I didn't stare at you! As If!" I said stuttering

Ughhhhh .. how embarrassing!
"You sure Muffin??" He said. I raised one eyebrow, What the hell is he talking about? Muffin? didn't we broke up?

Ughhhh... too many questions on my mind. *Sighs* Inhale.... Exhale....
okay Im good.

"Ladies and gentlemen, this is pilot Richard Kim. We've cruising the altitude of our destination. Please be ready for take off" (correct me if I am
wrong hehehe no Idea..sorry)

I am afraid of take offs so I decided to calm myself down. But I couldn't control my nervousness..

I exhaled..... Inhaled... and many more times but I still couldn't.. The take off began so I hugged and held Jungkook's hand. I held it tight, very very tight.

"We have arrived our destination. Please be sure to keep all your belongings. If you're going to leave anything, please make sure it's something we'd like to have. Thank you for flying Taemin Express." The flight attendants said.

WAIT-WAAAIITTT OMG! Am I still holding him?!?  I looked down at our hands and its still intertwined. I look up at him and he is smiling. THE FVCK!. He gave me a smirk.
This is so Embarrassing! How many times that Im embarrassed this day?!? ughhh..


Update Alright. thanks for reading. Please dont forget to vote and follow me on my account! Recommend this to your friends, relatives and many more please.
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Katiee (not my real name, but i like the name tho)


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