016 Favor

778 22 5

Jungkook's POV

"Be with me for one hour Jungkook"  She said with a smirk on her face

I-I dont know what to do!!!

Its just only one hour but Im afraid that she will stick to me and tell everyone that we are couples...And...maybe Lisa will caught us....But im afraid too that Tzuyu will tell Lisa our bet....

"Let's End this bet hyung" I whispered to Jin hyung

"Nehh,," He said "Tzuyu, We will gonna end this bet so no more favors to go on"

"Fine!! I'll leave you all here!!" She shouted stomping her feet "But dont forget that Im your Fiance Jungkook"

"Tsss... No way!!! I will find a way to Get our arrange marriage stop!!" I said angrily

she just stick her tongue out like a kid

"If you do, then I'll tell your beloved lisa" She said then waved goodbye

"Tsk tsk, what a spoiled brat" Taehyung hyung whined

I really dont know what is happening to that girl... but I remember her for the past few weeks

Is she the girl that I bumped in.. The girl that is weird? a paranoid??


I went upstairs to meet the boys but then I suddenly bumped into someone

"Ouch!" she whined

"I'm so sorry miss, I did'nt mean to bump you, I'm really really sorry" I sincerly said

"Oh well, that's good" She said

O_0    What is happening to her? Is she day dreaming? Or is she paranoid?

I just ran upstairs cuz she's weird,, maybe she will kill me later if I stay any longer

Wait, Is she really Paranoid? Weird? Or she was just day dreaming??

***End of flashback***

1 New message
from: Muffin

Hey kookie! 

Hi Muffin! Let's have a date?

Sure! Where?

At the K-mall, Is it okay to
you my muffin ;)  ?

Yea kookie! ^_^
Okay see you there!

Okay, Love you :*

Love you two :*

End of Conversation

\ (^__^) /  \ (^__^) / \ (^__^) / \ (^__^) / \ (^__^) / \ (^__^) / \ (^__^) / \ (^__^) / \ (^__^) / \ (^__^) / \ (^__^) / \ (^__^) / \ (^__^) / \ (^__^) / \ (^__^) / \ (^__^) / \ (^__^) / \ (^__^) /

I'm just so excited!  •~•

It's our first date as Couples!! Awieeee

(^___________^) <3 <3 <3 <3

What should I wear?? This

What should I wear?? This

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or this one?


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Yey!!! update!!! Mianhaeyo for the very slow update!!! but please follow me for another story and vote and leave a comment for me hehehehe




THANK YOU!!! ♡♡♡♡

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