Halloween Special Chapter

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Not included to the story
And it is Rated SPG XD
Contains Violence!! Hahaha XP XD
Date and time started: Oct. 31, 2018 - 10:31 Pm
Time you finished this chapter: 11:33 Pm (Hehehe the other chapter, I made it today) (And now, This chapter is made today too)

Jungkook's POV

I'm waiting for Lisa, I mean, for everyone to come down 'cuz we will attend an Halloween party

"Yah!  I don't like this costume" Taehyung hyung said with a pout... He is wearing this Carrot costume

"Yah! me too" Jin hyung wearing Snow white HAHAHA

"Guys! I have an Idea!" I shouted at them, I'm wearing this bunny costume

Me and Lisa is wearing bunny but Mine is color black and hers is White

"What?" They answered with a bored face

"Let's Rock paper scissors then If who will lose, he will wear this snow white costume"

And we started it...

"No! I'm not gonna wear that!" Taehyung shouted discustingly

"But you lose taehyung" Jin hyung said smiling evily

"Fine but when we get there, I will change into a vampire" He said

"Come, Let me help you wear this snow white dress"


Time moves fast and we are done performing our Gogo dance and It goes very well.. we even win that contest...

"And now, Its time for the announcing of our king and queen, The best couples who wears exactly the same" MC announced

OMO! But they did not tell us to have wear exactly to our partners

Oh well, Me and Lisa just matched so no worries

"Our King for today is.... The guy that wears a black rabbit costume!" MC announced and they all clapped hands while I'm going up to the stage

"Bring your partner" the MC whispered when I got there

I walked again to reach Lisa


Me and Lisa are here to have a horror booth as a prize

And its only me and her to go inside later!


We are now here inside... Its so creepy! I cannot explain what kind of monsters is in here

Now, we are near the zombies.. It is more like an Zombie appocalipse...

"Just hug me if you are scared" I said

Wait, where is she?!?


"Ugh! Stop!"

"Lisa?!?" I shouted "What the Hell are you doing?!"

"I'm just protecting myself!" She said while hitting and doing a Karate to the zombies

"Stop!" I said "We might get in trouble"

"We are humans to!!"

"That really hurts!!"

"I will sue you!!"

"Lisa," I calmly said "RUN!!!!!" I nervously shouted to her

We both ran,, and the zombies are chasing us...

"You two! Get back here!"

"I will sue you both"

"I will call the police!!!!"

I think this will be our Worst, Happy, I dont know what kind of feeling is this Halloween Ever!!!


I did not know that I could finish two chapters in ONE EVENING?!?!

I mean, If my mind was in the right position, I could write many chapters and it will be long hehehe

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