28 the return

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So yeah uhmm yeah and uhmmm yeah you could yeah hehehe sarreh.. credits to the owner tho...okay so, i will be finishing this story as soon as possible cuz i will be making another story which is taglish.. follow me for another story! maybe the story will be about a girl who loves to play the feelings of boys.. until one day she found her tutor ..... MAKE SURE TO FOLLOW ME FOR THE STORY....

*** 1 week ***

Lisa's POV

***raindrops*** *** wind blowing so hard***

"Lisa wait for me here, I will just go for the meeting.. im sure my granpa is so angry right now"

"Dont worry Jungkook, I will wait for you under the rain. I will wait for you in the empty bottles of wine, in the ripped sky, and in the moment where i picked myself up. I will wait for you here because this is the place where I feel loved" I said sincerely looking in to his eyes and kissed his cheeks

Jungkook blushed and kissed my forehead in response. He walked through the door and open it.

"J-jungkook wait,," I stopped him

"hmmm, love?" he said turning back

"If you were to choose between Tzuyu and me who will you choose?" I asked out of nowhere.. jungkook smiled

"I choose you. And I'll choose you over and over and over. without pause, without a doubt, in a heartbeat. I'll keep choosing you"

After hearing his answer, I felt relief knowing that he chose me over that stupid tzuyu.


"jungkook, I want to go back now" I said

"why? dont you wanna stay here for a bit? here you can bond with me everyday, dont you like that?"

"I like it but we've been here for a week and my company is turning down. they need my help"

"Alright then, if thats what u want"


"What the hell is this?!" I yelled looking at the wall.

The wall has a red lipstick with a sentence of: Lisa is a slut

"Who the F*cking b*llsh!t did this?!" I yelled really loud

All my employees are looking at me then started murmuring

"What are you looking at?! go and answer my f*cking question!"

"M-miss, I-I saw a girl walking here and I-I asked her if where is she going but she didnt answer me" one of my employees answered

"Who is she?!"


"Its me b*tch" She said after slapping my face

"What the f*ck tzuyu!" I slapped her back

She was about to slap me back but someone protected me

"Stop hurting her or I will hurt you instead" He coldly said

"J-jungkook" Tzuyu utter "Why are you protecting her?! Am I not your wife?!"

"Before answering that, first of all, lisa is not a slut. Second, you do not have the rights to hurt her. Third, maybe you forgot that lisa is our business partner, she has a big share to our company." He said... "If she pull out her shares maybe our company will go down"

"I-Im sorry jungkook" Tzuyu

"Not me. Say sorry to her" He said full of authority

"Sorry Lisa" She said then walked out crying

"That's what you get Tzuyu" I said in my mind

Jungkook pulled me and drag me through my office

"Im sorry lisa, I promise you ,it will never happen again" He said then kissed my lips then through the neck up to my collarbone.

I moaned knowing that be sucked it and made a mark.

"Now that I made a mark. It means that  You are only mine and I am always yours"


I know that there are no more chapyers of TaeNie, JiRosè, and JinSoo.. Cuz This story is mainly a story of LisKook.. Maybe On my next chap there will be there story of the other members..



THANK YOU!!! ♡♡♡♡

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