23 New life

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Lisa's POV

I woke up with a teary eye. I guess I cried too much last night.

Today I promised myself to begin my new life here in France. I decided to change my style and some attitudes. I want to have a sweet revenge. The sweetest revenge they'll ever get.

I stood up to clean myself up. Today is the day for me to change myself.


Am I really ready? ready to forget my feelings for him?

I picked a flower beside the vase table,

You love me,
You love me not,
You love me,
You love me not,

And so I need to move on...

*3 fvcking years later*

Jungkook's POV

"Master Jeon, Today is your schedule for the meeting of Pranpiya's Enterprises and It's  Hotel. Li's Hotel." My secretary told me. I did not look at her.

I don't wanna have an eye to eye contact to anyone ever since 3 yrs ago.

I heard this company will contribute a big share to our company. I change my clothes then give a little comb of my hair.

I drove to the address where she gives. I was shocked at first then I smiled a bit...   And there I saw a woman, The woman I wanted to have a family with, The woman I love with all my heart.

   And there I saw a woman, The woman I wanted to have a family with, The woman I love with all my heart

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(she wears like this)

"Long time, no see Mr.Jeon" she said. She is so stunning. She... She is so different.

"H-Hi Lisa" I said stuttering. W-wow.

"Speak in a formal way please" She said. I looked straight into her eyes. She is not the Lisa I have met before. The Lisa whom I have love.

"Mr. Jeon?" She asked waving her hand in front of my face.

"Oh- ah yes. Waiter!"

"May I take your order sir?"

"Two Meat tteobaki (dont try to search this. Cuz this is just my own recipe) please and two Spicy ribs" I said

"Ah actually Im a vegetarian" She said "I would just have a Kimchi"

She is really changing.

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