018 Drunk

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Jisoo's POV

I am visiting my childhood friend who lives in this mansion..

she is my friend who is always beside me when I am sad, She is Kim Jihyun

she is my friend who is always beside me when I am sad, She is Kim Jihyun

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(I know she is nayeon from girl group, Twice)

(I dont know why Twice members are in this story so peace yo, I really really dont know)
Name: Kim Jihyun (I dont know if this name really exist)
Age: 23
About: She is an owner of some famous enterprises, She can cook, She can also be a model, talented and sometimes she likes watching her maids wearing bunny costume

I rang the bell at her big gate,I immediately saw her maid wearing blue bunny costume

I had to admit it, they look awful

"I'm a friend of Jihyun" I said "childhood friend"

The maid nodded "What's your name madam?"

oh, I never told you, Jihyun dont like her guest or friends to be called 'Ms/Mr/Mrs', she prefer madam, She is just so rich

"I'm Jisoo, Kim Jisoo" I replied

The gate automatically opened. I walked through so many doors while the maid is leading the way cuz' I might get lost at this big mansion

"Hi Jihyun!!! Long time no see, Bestieee!!" I shouted

"Jisoo? Jisoo?! Oh my goshh! Bestieee!" She shouted back

We hugged each other tightly. She wear some black sleeveless and a gray jeans with matching red lipstick

While I wear, black glittery off-shoulder and a shorts with matching dark pink and brown make up

"You are so pretty!" she said. "Well, So are you bestiee," I said

"Like sister, like bestie!" we both yelled (I know its super cringey)

We chit-chat other things like our schools, and she already owns her business since her mother died

We play truth or dare right now, She is really drunk. while me, ALMOST DRUNK.. "Dare" I said. "Okay, drink this bottle of beer" Jihyun replied

I drink it all until, I fell my face burning , my vision are blured and I can feel that I am now drunk

"Let me go to the comfort room" I excused myself

Since the comfort room is too far, I let the maid guide me there... because of my vision, I accidentally bumped to a person

"J-J-JISOO?!?" The person exclaimed "What happened?!? what are you doing here?!?"

I can't answer the person since I can't take it anymore, the dizziness and the blured vision

I just dont know what happened after but all I know is that, all the things I see became black....


You miss me? Or only the update? heheehe sorry people, Unnies, Oppas and etc



THANK YOU!!! ♡♡♡♡

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