30 (not putting titles anymore sorreh)

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I am really sorry for the delay of the update... Its cause of some problems... but yeah here yah go fellas..

Jennie's POV

Should I use this or not?

I cant decide.. Maybe not for now, I will just go for a walk.

After a long walk, someone shouted...


I looked back and saw Jisoo unnie waving the phone

"Someone is texting"

I walked back to jisoo unnie and grabbed my phone.

"Unnie! what is this??" I angrily show jisoo unnie the text. She just gave me a peace smile


Hi, Newbie?


Can we meet up?

Uhmm,, Yeah sure

Great! Meet me
tomorrow..6:00pm, is
that good?

that's what the guy said..

I am shaking in my position right now... I.. am meeting a guy....

Rosè's POV

"Hahahaha stop Jimin!" I laughed.. Jimin tickled me in my stomach

"Uh-uh baby Rosè.. Call me THE name first" He said then smirked and tickled me once more

I blushed and I felt my face turned red "D-da-Daddy"

OMG! I can't believe what I am saying right now...

"Guys! come here! I am calling lisa!" Jisoo unnie and Jennie ran happily

We gathered and prepare ourselves for lisa

"Annyeong guys!" Lisa greeted us with a bright smile

"Too happy huh?!" Jisoo unnie said

"Uh? Nothing its just that.... WE ARE GOING TO A VACATION!" She happily shout with a smile

"OMO! where? when? How?" I asked continuesly..

"Lisa you are living in France!" Jisoo unnie sadly said

"Is that even a problem?" Lisa said raising her eyebrow and showed her ticket

My eyes widened when I saw some hickey on her neck..

"Lisa," I said "What's that hickey?!"

And our eyes widened when Jungkook came out of nowhere

"I-I wi-will talk to y-you later guys" Lisa said stutterd

"Lisa lets talk!"

But Lisa hang up the call

We know that bastard Jungkook and Brat Tzuyu are married.

Duh! its on the Tv like ughhh

How is Jungkook in the house of Lisa?!?!??!??


Yeah Am sorry for the short update but pls enjoy



THANK YOU!!! ♡♡♡♡

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