014 Sweetness overload

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Lisa's POV

"Woahhh Daebak unnie!!" I said "I cant believe it!!"

"hahhahaha, by the way, how's your date with jungkook?" She asked

I feel hot burn in my face, I feel im red as a tomato!!!!

Ohhhh Goshhhhh!!!

"I---uhh----hehehe----Jungkook---" I cant directly say it

Im just very nervous.... Oh no!!! what to say!!!

Am I as Red as a Lipstick? or as a Tomato?

okay okay!!! *eheeeeeemm* *eheeeeeeeeemmmm*

"It started like this unnie"


Im waiting here at the park

while waiting for my kookie...,, I mean waiting for Jungkook

I sat down at a bench and watch the view

*Snap* *Blagg*

Ahhh who kidnapped me?!!!!!

I mean im not a kid,, im a teen


Ahhhhh who teenapped me?!!

A long minutes passed...,,, It all became black


I woke up in a dark place but not only a dark place,, it has a grass and a candles to lead your way,, i think?

I stand up and found a paper note

Hey Muffin!!!  how's the sleep?? Just follow the candles to lead your way ^_^

uhmmm who's this?? who's muffin?? am I a muffin?? No,, im not a muffin...Im a human

I just follow the candles lighted up,,, its so beautiful!!! let me take a picture😂



A minutes passed by and Im so hungry

Im here standing near a tree

where is the candles??

I turn around and saw a note with a ring on the floor

Your nearly there my muffin!!! Here's a promise ring please wear it ^___^

I wear the ring then turn around again

"Hey my muffin!"

Oh my Gosh!!!


I ran towards him then give him a hug

"Did you wear it?" he asked

"yeah,, thanks"

"Are you hungry??" He asked again and  I nodded

"Close your eyes"

I followed him

He blindfolded me and carried me?!!

"Put me dow--" I stopped yelling

"Shhhhh" He warned me

After a short walk he put me down

"Are you ready??"

I nodded again

He ripped off the blindfold and --

<_<      >_>       •_•    0_0

"Wahhhhh!!!!!" I yelled "ITS SO VERY BEAUTIFUL!!!"

Theres a two chairs with a flower in the center, heart-shaped pink balloons and a big pink teddy bear on the center!!!

"I love it!!!" I yelled with happiness

He  lead the way to the table and pulled a chair

"thank you" I said


Jungkook and I are chit-chatting some random stuffs

Until.... I realized that im inlove with him

"Kookie...I...ah....Like you" I stutterd

"Lisa...." He called

A/N: I know I just repeated the last chapter.... It is just incase you forgot ^___^ >///<

"I......ah......nothing" He said " I just wanted to tell you that..."

He popped one balloon and one flower fell down and he catched it and gave it to me

"Would you be my One and Only Girl??" He said Sincerly, I looked through his eyes and I could say he is Sincerly true about his love

"I--ah---- YES KOOKIEEEE!!!!" I shouted

        ***end of flashback***


THANK YOU!!! ♡♡♡♡

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