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Anna flinched at the roles being tied tightly around her wrists. Her eyes locked onto a boy dressed in tan who had a looked of curiosity on his face.
"What are you looking at?" She hissed slightly knowing it was because of her beastly attack.
The boy looked surprised and looked away from the girl. He raised an eyebrow as Uma smirked slightly.
"I have some work to do so Gil you watch her got it?" Uma stated.
"Got it" Gil stated lazily.
"And if you lose her I'll feed you to the sharks" Uma growled.
Anna watched as Uma left with the pirate dressed in red. A sudden noise brought her attention back to the boy in tan who had pulled a barrel over and sat on it watching her.  She raised an eyebrow as he locked eyes with her.
"So who are you then?" She asked the boy.
"What do you mean?" He asked.
"Well you know I'm the daughter of Belle and Beast, Uma or whatever is the daughter of Ursula what does that make you?" She asked.
"Gil son of Gaston" Gil stated.
Anna let out a groan of annoyance as she smacked her head against the post she was tied to.
"What?" Gil asked her.
"First I get kidnapped and then the son of the worst villain is my bodyguard"
"My dad isn't really a villain"
Anna gave the boy a look of are you serious as he shrugged.
"He was just trying to protect the girl he loved"
"He was going to send my grandfather to an asylum, kept hitting on my mom and tried to kill my dad"
"Well yeah I can see why you'd think he's a villain"
Anna shook her head leaning it against the post . She felt tired her beastly attacks normally made her sleepy but two in one day was rough. She didn't want to sleep since she was just kidnapped but she couldn't keep her eyes open.

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