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A few hours had passed and Gil still was left with Anna. He wondered where Uma and Harry had gone. His mind however left him with a blank as he tried to think what would take so long. His brown eyes darted to Anna who stirred in her sleep. He watched as her eyes slowly opened.
"Morning" he chuckled.
Anna twisted her wrists in the ties as she looked up at the boy.
"He won't do it you know?" She suddenly said.
Gil looked at the girl confused as he jumped off the barrier that he was sitting on.
"He won't put others in danger just for me"
"Who are you talking about?" Gil asked.
This time Anna was the one confused.
Gil suddenly realized what she meant and he chuckled to himself. He never thought bad of himself when he was a bit slow to what was happening. His friends did their best to help them in their own little ways after all. That made him happy. However at the moment they weren't around and he felt bored. So he sat in front of Anna with a cheesy smile.
"So tell me about yourself" he chuckled.
"The unknown sister sounds exciting"
"Far from it..."
Gil tilted his head looking at the girl. He watched as she shifted uncomfortable in the wet dress and tight ropes. He frowned slightly before reaching over and undoing the ties. Anna looked at him in shock as she rubbed her wrists.
"You look uncomfortable let's get you some dry clothes and some food" Gil said with a smile.
"Won't what's her face be mad?"
"Uma? No she said I only had to watch you"
Although he did wait for the girl to make a break for it but when she didn't he simply smiled leading the way.

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