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"Thank you Anna...."

Anna smiled shyly as she felt Gil's hand over hers. She guessed she really did have a piece of her mother's spirit inside her. This was the son of her parents' enemy. The boy who's father hunted and hurt anyone he came in contact with, and yet when she looked at Gil all she saw was this kind hearted a bit goofy boy. A boy who's smile she enjoyed seeing, plus he punched Gaston in the face. She watched as Gil tilted his head just a bit, probably wondering why she didn't pull her hand away. 

"Anna?" he said softly.


Suddenly her heart fluttered as he slowly leaned closer to her. Her cheeks became flushed as the two were just a moment away from kissing. However a suddenly shout made Anna jerk away.

"Get away from her!"

Anna's eyes widen as she saw Ben staring at the two. His fists were clenched as the car back to Auradon was not too far behind with Mal standing by it. 


She flinched again as she heard another shout.

"Well well is it my birthday?"

The Beauty and the Beast twins turned to see Gaston with his other two sons walking towards them. She felt her body starting to shake when a pair of hands wrapped around her. Her eyes widen when Gil pushed her into her brother's arms.

"I'll hold them off just get her out of here" Gil stated drawing his sword. 

"Wait?! No!" Anna shouted.

She struggled against her brother's grasp as Ben dragged her back towards the car. She tossed and turned screaming for him to let her go as he pulled her into the car. 

"Step on it!" Mal shouted as Ben held his sister.

"We can't leave him! We can't!" Anna howled.

"Anna calm down he made his choice" Ben  said.

"NO" Anna suddenly roared the glass from the windows shuttering around the three as the car headed off across the bridge back to Auradon.

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