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Anna zipped her bag up as she quickly tossed it over her shoulder heading out of the school.

"Anna wait!" 

Anna turned to see her twin brother running towards her. She clenched her fists as her eyes narrowed.

"You're not going to stop me Ben"

"I know but you can't run back there"

"When Mal left isn't that what you did?"

"That was different-"

"How so? You had no place being there and neither do I but I won't leave him there"

Anna turned away from her brother as she walked towards one of the cars that were able to cross the bridge. She flinched when she felt a hand on her shoulder. She turned her head slightly as she noticed Ben's smile. 

"What?" she snapped. 

"Let me finish please"

Anna rolled her eyes as she  crossed her arms waiting for her brother to finish up. Ben smiled as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously. 

"As I was saying you can't run back there, not alone at least so I'm coming with you"

Anna laughed but shook her head seeing that her brother was serious.

"Ben you're first time there  you were kidnapped" 

"So were you technically"

Anna sighed as she waited for her brother to back down. When she could tell he wasn't going to she simply waved her brother along as the two piled into the car heading off to the Isle once again. 

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