Leonard Snart x Reader

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In your mid 20s

⚠️WARNING: Swearing and Birthing.


"Thank you Mick." I smile up at him taking the envelope of cash. "No problem kiddo, you need anything else, you know where I am." He smiles and I stand weakly. "Let Rose know her uncle Mick said hi." He says, as I stand and I smile shaking my head. "I'll play messenger for you, whatever." I force out a laugh.

"Rose? My Rose?" A blue eyed man steps out and I roll my eyes when I remember exactly who he is. The amount of pictures my best friend Rose Snart has shown me, how could I forget?

"Well I never, if it isn't the fuck up." I wobble up to my feet, my entire body aching. Leonard grabs my arm, hard enough that I'm staring him eye to eye. Snatching my arm away from his grip, I give him the dirtiest look possible.

"You said this was a safe place. Lisa promised me." I sigh, grabbing ahold of my bag. "Y/N, it is, no one knows you're here." Mick speaks but I ignore him and try to rush out.

"Tell me, how she is!" Leonard shouts and I hiss in pain, my leg bashing into the table I'm passing. Clutching my stomach tears start to brim at my eyes. "Hey, you okay Y/N?" Mick wraps my arm around his shoulder, the other around Leonard, so I can stand straight.

Tears pour out of my eyes, my body dying inside. "Just get me to my car, I'll go home from there." I just about weakly whisper. "You're in no condition to drive, you're too pregnant." Leonard speaks and I roll my eyes.

"No shit, Sherlock." I snap, the pregnancy mood swings getting the best of me. "But I'll do anything to get away from the asshole and crappy dad of my best friend, who was never there for her!" I scream as the pain becomes unbearable.

"Stay for the night, I'll take you to a hotel tomorrow." Mick offers, but I'm so tired I agree to whatever he says.

A few hours later

"As much as you want to hate me for being a horrible dad to Rose, and I admit I was. You're going to realise very soon Y/N, every parent makes mistakes with their children, and no one is immune to that. Not me and not you." Leonard speaks as he sits on the edge of my bed. Ignoring him I turn my face the other way, rocking back and fourth trying to stop the pain my baby's giving me.

"Eat." He pushes a plate towards me but I push it back. He frowns, his eyebrows furrowing, his ocean blue eyes, you could stare into for years, likes Roses', quickly hiding any emotion.

"Don't punish your baby because of me Y/N. Eat the food." He sighs and I turn over glaring at him. "Too late to boss anyone around now, now is it, daddy of the year?" I snap back at him, pissed he would try to tell me what to do and he rolls his eyes.

"Any other day I wouldn't care, but that's a baby that's suffering, you obviously need the food, you've been here for hours and you haven't ate. C'mon Y/N." He lifts the piece of toast up, handing it to me and I roll my eyes, snatching it out of his hands, chewing on it slowly.

"You can get lost now." I look him up and down, disgust masking my face. "Let me know if you need anything else." He rubs his hands over his trousers and stands, shutting my door carefully. When I can hear his footsteps disintegrate down the hallway, I grab the remainder of the food, chomping it down, starving, like he knew I was.

The next morning

Leonard's POV

I'm awaken by the sound of screaming. Pulling a set of grey sweatpants over my naked body, I walk out of my bedroom, following the sound, I'm stood outside of Y/N's room. Truth be told, I'm scared of her, and I'm scared of disappointing her and my daughter Rose. Y/N is my only link to her, since Rose's mother took her away from me when she was 6.

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