Eobard Thawne (Parent) x Reader

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QOTD: Matt or Tom as Reverse Flash?

AOTD: Tom, duhhhh!

⚠️WARNING: Anything mean about my baby reverse flash or Tom Cavanagh or Matt, and I WILL KILL YOU. :) & yes I'm obsessed with reverse flash and eowells, you're going to do nothing about it 🙃.


"Ray have you got the spear?" I ask as he enters the bridge. "Yes Ms Wells." He salutes me, handing me the piece of the spear and I leave to put it away, after congratulating him on his work.

I originally worked with team Flash but joined the legends when I found out they were up against my father. I saw him once, he killed everyone in the room but me, he only stopped when Sara screamed I was important to him. He spared my life, but I'm still scared and hoping a part of him knows who I am.

After securing the spear in a hidden space I join Sara at the bridge. Out of everyone she knows how hard facing Thawne is for me. She's seen first hand what he's done to my life, kidnapping me, and raising me as his daughter for 15 years, without me ever realising Barry and I were siblings.

"You should talk to him." She nudges my shoulder and I sigh as I groan, unsure what to do. I do have enough time to speak as he doesn't have his speed right now, but shaking my head, being the coward I am, I secure myself in my seat instead, prepared for takeoff.


"25 degrees!" Ray shouts out of breath and I shake my head as I stand. If we don't get the right angle to enter Earth, we'll all die, and I know Thawne doesn't mind dying, he's got multiple remnants.

"He's lying." I whisper, barely able to hear myself as I stand, unbuckling myself.

"Y/N sit back down, you'll get injured!" Jax yells panicked as the waverider rocks. "He's lying!" I snap as I push through the seats, balancing myself.

"How do you know?" Professor Stein asks through the comms and I sigh as I look Sara in the eyes. "Because he told me when I was a little girl, 38 degrees is the exact angle you enter Earth from space." I admit, staring at everyone apologetically.

"Why wouldn't you tell us that sooner?" Amaya asks confused and I run my hand over my face as I try to control my emotions. "I wanted to test him, a part of me hoped, he wasn't still a...monster." I admit and Sara smiles as she stops the waverider mid air.

"Go talk to him before he gets his speed back, that's an order." She smiles and I return the smile as I run out and towards the holding cell.


Taking a deep breath I push the doors to the holding cell open. "Hi." I smile, catching my breath, instantly grabbing Thawne's attention. Turning on his heels, he stares directly into my eyes, and then scans my entire body, before he responds.

"Hi." His lips tug up in a smile, hand scratching the back of his neck. "You're nervous?" I observe more than ask and he chuckles as he raises his brow. "How did you know?" He's still smiling as he asks and I sigh, carefully thinking before I speak.

"I know you." I answer back, trying not to give away too much. He releases a breath of air nodding. "Time travel, so confusing." He smiles, running a hand over his face, a habit I adopted from him.

"Do you know who I am?" I ask him and he pauses for a moment before nodding. "Ya, Y/N Wells, my future...daughter." He carefully words himself as well, wanting to preserve the timeline.

Not expecting him to know yet, I'm silent, surprised. "Well, I haven't met you yet, in the original timeline, but to answer your question Ms Wells, yes, I do know who you are, who we are, to each other." He steps close enough to the glass that I can see the steam of his breath on the window. We're so close, it's almost as though there is no glass between us.

"You don't have to call me that, Y/N is fine." I smile and he laughs again, nervously rubbing his neck.

"Y/N it is." He agrees as he continues staring. "So I actually came down for a reason." I switch the subject and watch as realisation dawns upon his face. "Yes, Y/N, I had no idea you were on the ship." He admits and I smile as I wave the mistake off.

"I just wanted to double check, if 25 degrees was the right angle. It would be a shame if we were all dead before we met properly." I look him straight in the eyes, he's staring right back, a smile still on his face.

"Did I say, you look beautiful today?" He gestures towards my white summer dress and a part of me aches, when I realise he's avoiding my question. "No you didn't Dad." I reply with a light smile and instantly my eyes pop out upon realising what I just said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to." I awkwardly rub my own neck, and he points amused, noticing the similarity. "It's okay. You can call me that if it makes you feel better." He offers, after a lengthy silence, to which I shake my head.

"Thawne is better, it makes things less weird for now." I mumble uncomfortable and upset that this is what our relationship has been reduced to. I think he notices, because he's silent for a really long time again, before he speaks up, that is only when the waverider starts to move again; the shock on his face is clear.

"I lied to Mr Palmer, you enter Earth from space at 38 degrees, not 25." He rushes, a part of me likes to think it's because of me, and that he's concerned, but then the other part remembers he's a ruthless killer.

"I know, when I was a girl, that was one of the first things you taught me, I never understood why until now." I admit and watch as his body relaxes. "Time travel, so confusing." I repeat his words from earlier on and he smirks, both hands rested on the glass as he drops his head in between his arms.

"Why would you not say you knew already?" His brows furrow, confusion spread across his face.

"I guess a part of me had to know, what you're really capable of." Is my response, watching as his cheeks flush red in shame.


"Am I a good father?" He asks, once the waverider lands. As I'm silent, a train of messed thoughts, running through my mind, the team joins us in the holding cell.

"The best." I smile, blinking away tears threatening to spill, as his hand begins to vibrate.

"You need to go. I understand." I smile and he smiles back, ignoring the team who are all in presence. "Bye Y/N." He lifts his hand in a small wave. "Bye." My lips thin in a forced smile, trying my best to mask my hurt. A part of me still wants him to always be here, to have his attention and time, but I know I will never get that time back. Regardless I still wish I could be his daughter, as I wave my farewell.

"I will kill you, all. But today, I'll let you live, because of her." He points at me, after threatening the entire team, his eyes red and voice hollow. And then just like that, he speeds off, gone, with the spear.

"What a lovely Dad." Mick sarcastically grumbles, as we all leave the holding cell.

All the whilst Thawne plans Y/N's perfect life in his world, doomworld; smitten and infatuated by his daughter before even being correctly introduced.

P.S. I have your requests, and I will be writing and publishing them soon! Don't worry!


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