Joe West (Parent) x Reader

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You're in your 20s

Joe is the best Dad ever...Fight me bitches!

⚠️Warning: None.



"Hey everyone." I awkwardly mumble upon arriving home, confused and unsuspecting that our home would have guests today.

"Hey Y/N." Everyone warmly greets back as we all share smiles.

"Y/N, thank God You're here! I've cooked your favourite, grandma Esther's pie." Joe enters the living room still dressed in his kitchen apron.

"That's great Joe, I'll help Barry set the table up." I respond as I watch him hurry back to his cooking.

"Why are you acting so suspicious?" Barry eyes me, an air of scrutiny surrounding him. "Stop it flash." I warn him jokingly and watch as his face lights up.

"I'm your brother, not Flash." Barry smirks as he throws a napkin at me. "Adoptive brother." I mutter under my breath but he hears me.

"Y/N, you didn't." Barry looks to me with disapproving wide eyes and I nod. Barry and I discussed me wanting to find out who my real parents were 2 years ago. With Barry becoming the Flash and how chaotic our lives have been since then, I finally had the time to find out, and today I have big news. Which will no doubt change our family for better or for worse.

"Didn't what?" Cisco asks as he and everyone else start to seat themselves around the table.

Joe is sat at the head of the table, to his left is Cisco, Iris and Caitlin, and to his right are Me, Barry, Harry and then Cecile.

"I know you're not going to approve, but I did some digging, on who my real parents are, and I know." I complete as watch as Joe looks to me hurt, his hand runs over his face as he shakes his head. Caitlin, Cisco and Harry awkwardly stare at their food and Barry and Iris also share a disapproving look.

"Why?" Joe asks and I sigh before I explain myself.

"Barry and Iris knew who their parents were growing up, I just wanted the same. To know where I come from." I defend and watch as he sarcastically smiles.

"There is a reason I never told you who your parents were. Barry knew because Barry was unfortunate enough to remember his mother's murder. Iris knows her mother is bad for her yet she doesn't go behind her families back and speak to her." Joe snaps and I roll my eyes.

"You're acting like they're not my family as well Joe." I snap back furious as he stares at me shocked.

"Y/N." Barry touches my hand trying to stop me but I ignore him.

"Barry let me talk. For once I want to know about my real family and everyone is putting me off of it, it's not fair. Besides it's not like it's a bad thing, look how good things turned out with Wally." I speak as he mirrors Joe's expression shaking his head.

"So what are we to you Y/N? Are we not your real family?" This time Iris speaks up, tears threatening to spill from her eyes, she's clearly upset.

"I didn't mean it like that, I just have a right to know my birth parents as an adult myself. Now that I know them, I can decide what I want to do with our relationship." I look to Joe who seems to be a million miles away.

"And what's that?" He asks as he brushes his fingers through his beard stressed.

"I'm going to move in with them." I speak and watch as everyone awkwardly stares at Joe.

"You can't." He simply says as he stands and I copy him.

"Actually Joe, I can, and I will." I yell as I leave the living room. I want to feel bad for him but the anger I'm feeling, for my real parents and not being able to live with them as a child, it is completely numbing me.

2 weeks later

I ended up moving in with my biological parents the day after the disaster dinner at home with my adoptive family. Everything was fun and perfect for the first few days, until the days and nights were spent with me listening to constant arguing amongst my mother and father.

Then came the violence between the two. After that was them struggling with money and I was lending them a few hundred here and there.

It eventually ended with me having to cook, clean and listen to them yell at me and each other. The last straw was the drugs and alcohol abuse. I packed my bags, that were still mostly unpacked from moving in only 2 weeks ago and loaded them into my car.

Enough was enough, and my tear stained cheeks were evidence of how disgusted and disappointed I was in myself.

I had nowhere to go as I mindlessly drove my car around Central City. Subconsciously, I ended up outside my home, where the same family I called fake lived.

Pride would stop me from knocking on the door of the house that's porch lights are still on, but then again, I have nothing to lose.

Mustering up some much needed confidence I wipe my tears, knocking on the all too familiar wooden door.

An old man who stands tall at 6ft, with a scruffy beard and confused look on his face, opens the door.

"I'm sorry." I apologise to the man who is home and he all-knowingly warmly smiles.

"Come here baby girl." He opens his arms wide pulling me in for a hug as he laughs. Comforting me as I hysterically apologise, wanting nothing more than for him to know, how I truly do believe and appreciate that he is family. Joe West is my Dad.


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