Nathaniel Heywood x Reader

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You're in your 20s
S2 of LOT
Rips daughter


⚠️Warning: Sexual References


"Fuck me until I cannot think straight." I moan into Nate's ear as he has me pushed up against my bedroom wall.

"Gladly." He smirks as his lips connect to my neck, sucking on the skin, the smell of Nate's shampoo and aftershave overpowering my senses.

Just as things start to progress, I'm in nothing but my bra, Nate is shirtless and his trousers are hanging loose around his waist, my room door is burst open.

"Sweetheart, I was..." it's too late, my father Rip stops himself mid speech, twisting his entire body into the other direction, while my suddenly butter fingers struggle to re dress.

Internally I curse Nate and myself for not locking the door, the embarrassment of the situation immense. Yet my fear of his wrath far outweighs the discomfort of being caught.

Once we've dressed, Dad instantly charges up to Nate, yelling as pushes him out of my bedroom.

"Dad, what are you doing?" I look to him wide-eyed. "You like Nate?" My brows furrow, yet he ignores me.

"Rip, I'm sorry you caught us like that. But you can't be mad, she's an adult." Nate defends to which he earns a glare.

"She's still my child, no matter how old! The last thing I need is for you to steel up and accidentally hurt her, or worse kill her. I refuse to lose the final love of my life, to someone of your class!" Dad snaps, my heart weighing down when the reality as to what he has said hits me.

I may be a grown woman, but it's true that he will always be my dad and will never stop worrying about me.

"This ends here today!" He yells furious, gathering a crowd of legends, they all surround us, piecing together what has happened instantly.

"Rip, come on man. You're acting like I'm one of the people we fight, a villain." Nate says but Dad only shakes his head.

"I wasn't talking to you Heywood." Dad looks me dead in the eyes and I lower my head, I know exactly what he's doing. He always does it, every time I date someone who isn't normal.

"I'm sorry. Dad's right, I don't think this is going to work." I mumble under my breath, not wanting to, but I have to. My father and his emotional blackmail too much to handle.

When I dated Roy Harper he didn't speak to me until a few months later, when I had to break up with him. This always happens and that's why I'm still single, because no one ever seems to live up to his standards.

"Y/N. Why are you even listening to him? You're not a kid." Nate exasperates, but I cannot take his side. Especially in front of my Dad.

"I'm sorry." I apologise and walk back into my room, everyone's left and Dad knocks, entering.


"I was speaking to Sara. She told me you and Nate were very close, long before today?" Dad questions and I nod, there's no point lying to him now.

"Whatever, I'll find someone new." I sigh as I sort through my belongings, searching for my family photo consisting of Dad, Mum, Jonas and I.

When I finally find the picture I put it up in my room. Watching Dad grin from ear to ear.

"You know, all I want for you, it to be as happy as your mother and I were, with you and Jonas." He smiles, his hand rested on my shoulder.

"Ya." I agree, honestly trying not to cry, I just broke up with my boyfriend and the last thing I want is boy advice from my own Dad, the one who made us break up.

"Sara also told me..." He begins and I groan out loud, making it obvious that I don't care.

"You should be able to do what you like. You are an adult, and if you and Nate want to go onto the next level, you should." He approves and I have to process what he says for a good minute, just to make sure I'm not hallucinating.

"Are you serious?" I jump up excited and he nods.

"I love you!" I hug him tightly as he laughs.

"I love you too, and I had a word with him before I came here, Nathaniel knows what will happen to him if he poses any danger towards you." Dad says and I can tell he's eager for his time alone with Nate.

Worried for my boyfriend's safety and excited we can be together, I bid Dad farewell, giggling excitedly as I walk into Nate's room.

A smirk is etched onto his awaiting face as he speaks.

"About that agreement we had earlier."


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