Harrison Wells E-2 x Reader

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You're 26

⚠️Warning: None.


After cleaning myself up for the third time this morning Harry lets me keep his box of breath mints. After I thank him I pop two into my mouth, plopping myself onto a seat next to Caitlin, feeling glum.

"Why don't you ask Caitlin to run a test on you Y/N? You've been puking a lot." Suggests Iris as Barry nods in agreement. Looking up at their faces I suddenly realise what they mean.

"Oh my God." I voice out loud, watching everyone in the rooms faces. Joe, Iris, Caitlin, Cisco, Wally, Barry, Jesse and Harry, they're all sharing the same expression.

"Guys, I am not pregnant, have some faith in your teammate." I roll my eyes completely embarrassed that I have to explain myself.

"No one said you are..." Cisco trails off.

"You didn't have to." I glare at them and they turn away.

"You can test me, but I'm not pregnant. Well I hope I'm not, my brother will kill me." I mutter the last bit as Barry smirks, let's just say having experienced being shot at by Oliver's arrows, he knows I'm not joking.

"Come on." Caitlin smiles as she ushers me into our medical room, I sigh laying myself onto the bed, hoping for the best.


As I brush myself off I stand ready to hear my results.

"Do you mind? Doctor, patient privilege!" I snap at the team to which everyone except Cisco and Harry leave, being the stubborn people they are.

"The results are taking some time because I scanned for everything, I'll come let you know as soon as I get them." Caitlin smiles which makes me smile.

I push past both Harry and Cisco as I leave the room, the two of them will be the death of me.

"You know, if you ever have a child, I get sole privilege over naming them!" Cisco calls as I'm making my way to the cortex.

"Cisco this isn't a joke, I really hope I'm not pregnant. I'm 26, I have a life. Besides, I'm an orphan, it's not like I can depend on my parents to help me. Thea's Dad is Malcolm Merlyn a psycho demon, Oliver kills people at night in a green hood, oh and I almost forgot, Felicity my soon to be sister-in-law is paralysed and is going to marry Oliver who is already married to Nyssa. Having a child is the last thing I need, it's selfish." I snap and instantly regret it.

"Ouch." Joe speaks first.

"I'm sorry." I apologise as I look to Cisco, generally remorseful.

"Hey, it's okay. Your life is crap, isn't all of ours." Cisco smiles as he sits down next to me. I pull my best friend in for a hug as Caitlin enters the room.

"I think you mean shit, you know, now that I've been fired from my own company and it's 'Palmer Techs' now." I half heartedly joke.

"It's about to get a lot worse." Caitlin sympathetically frowns as she's holding a piece of paper in her hands.

"Hit me with the news sister, God is just pouring down bad omens on me lately." I pull on a brave face not expecting the next piece of information in a million years.

"There's no way to put this delicately Y/N, I'm sorry, but you cannot get pregnant, you're infertile." The second the words leave Caitlin's mouth I'm sat staring back at her shocked.

"Are you okay?" Joe is first to speak, hiding my face away I nod, not sure if I'm going to cry or not.

"It must be wrong, can't you do the test again?" I ask Caitlin but she shakes her head.

"I re-took it twice to make sure." She frowns as she puts the paper down.

"Hey. Are you really okay?" Cisco asks. I simply ignore him as I stand, leaving the cortex.

I had nowhere to really hide so I ended up inside Harrison and Jesse's room. I figured Jesse would be out with Wally and Harry would be working, clearly I was wrong about him as I hear him enter the room.

Sniffling I turn to look at him, not a single tear has fallen from my eyes since I've heard the news.

"Are you okay Y/N?" Harry sincerely asks, devoting his time and attention to me. That's when it finally happens and I cannot help myself. I start to cry and he sighs as he pulls me into his chest.

"I-I don't know why I'm crying. I don't even want children, not now anyways. It just, maybe in the future, it would've been nice. So nice." I sob as he strokes my hair.

"It's huge news. You're entitled to feel sad, you should feel sad. It's something that was promised to you as a woman, when you were born, which has been taken away from you." He hushes me as I cannot help the strangled cries leaving my mouth.

"I thought maybe I could be like Mum and Dad, they were so perfect and present when they raised us, I really wanted to be like them." I huff as the tears start to slowly stop.

"You can always adopt, Joe did, look at how amazing Barry turned out. Besides, you don't need children to honour your parents, you're honouring them right now, as a part of Team Flash." He actually genuinely smiles which means a lot to me.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"Breath mints."

"Anytime. I'm not just a pretty face." He smiles jokingly and I smile back.

"I think I'm going to go home." I sigh as I rub my eyes, running a hand over my face.

"Don't worry, I'll cover for you." He smiles, pulling his glasses off and chewing on them, just like evil Wells did, it's almost funny how similar all the Wells' we know are.

"Thank you Harry." I thank him one last time, shocking both of us as I hug him, vastly grateful for the chat.

"Thank you Y/N." He waves, just as Jesse enters the room, also waving at me in the process.


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