Harrison Wells (Parent) x Reader P2

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You're in your 20s
(I think you lot can tell I'm obsessed with Harrison Wells)

⚠️Warning: Very long (2 parts long). A lot of time jumps. Very cute family contrasts and conflict.

|Requested| : went a lil off topic sorry x

Months later


"Hey Dad." I hug Harrison, arriving late to STAR LABS as always. After coming back with the legends I didn't leave, I couldn't. My Dad needed me, and I had to work on our relationship to the best of my ability. He was broken, we both were.

Gradually over time, time healed our wounds, and we got better. Everyone except Jesse. I really do like her, but she irritates my soul. I've never had to share my Dad before, so it's all new now that Jesse is here.

"I can't believe you stole my top!" She shrieks when she walks into the cortex.

"Here we go again." Cisco groans as he dramatically pushes his fingers into his ears, everyone fed up with us arguing all the time.

"Chill Jesse. It looks better on me anyways." Nonchalantly I flick her off which only annoys her more. "You look like a fucking giraffe, you're neck is so abnormally long, it hurts!" She snaps.

"Shut the fuck up, you're a dwarf sized cancer to my brain." I snap back and she rolls her eyes.

"Don't act like you're any good at science."

"Don't act like I won't slam you into the fucking wall and beat the crap out of you."

"Too bad your delicate neck will snap in the process." She smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Say another word and I will stain your precious shirt." I threaten to which she throws her coffee at me.

"Jesse!" Dad yells at her but the damage is already done.

Dad tells her to apologise and she refuses which makes me laugh.

"What's wrong, does it hurt that I'm always going to be Dad's favourite." I tease her.

"You're not even biologically his, so no, it doesn't hurt!" She shouts, everyone around us watches shocked. No one ever says that, no one ever brings it up, because it's such a sensitive subject.

Unable to control myself I charge up to her, both of us grabbing a chunk of each other's hair as we fight.

"Bet you didn't dream this was how two girls would be fighting over you." Cisco jokes, earning a warning glare from Dad. Both Barry and Dad pull us apart, much to both of our dismay.

"Apologise." My father demands which shocks me.

"She started it. I was being patient and mature!" I defend and his face scrunches up. "I know, I'm talking to Jesse, don't shout I'm right next to you." He says, but I'm too busy staring at Jesse smugly.

"It's not like I said anything wrong." She snaps and I try and lunge at her again but am held back firmly by Dad. Noticing how he's trying his best not to lose his temper at both of us.

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