Laurel x Oliver (Parents) x Reader

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|Requested|: Christmas style imagine! I know it's late guys don't crucify me.

QOTD: What couple is your arrowverse endgame?

AOTD: Lauriver for sure!

⚠️ WARNING: trash imagine of these cutie asf babies.

Laurels POV

I roll over my bed with a smile plastered over my face.


Except when I open my eyes, my gorgeous husband isn't lying there right next to me as he should be. Stretching my arms, letting out a yawn I stand and walk over towards Y/N's crib, but surprise, surprise, my 1 year old daughter isn't there either.

Following the sound of 2 light giggles and a lot of metal clanging I'm led towards our kitchen.

"Y/N, no! If you keep on eating the pancakes, nothing will be left for Mummy!" I can hear Oliver, my eyes instantly welling up as my hand rests on my heart. They are so precious. "Dadda no!" I can hear Y/N scream in giggles.

"Dadda no? Dadda no? Listen here young lady. You will do as your Dad says. What's next, boyfriends with tattoos?" I can hear Oliver, through the crack of the kitchen door I can see him lift her shirt and tickle her stomach. Y/N screams in laughter as she grabs another bite of the blueberry pancake her father has just prepared.

"Excuse you Ms Queen, that wasn't for-" Before Oliver can finish his sentence Y/N's pushed the bite of the pancake into his mouth, silencing him abruptly.

At least one woman can shut that man up, I laugh to myself as I watch him pull her in for a kiss.

"Hmm. I wonder where daddy and Y/N are?" I furrow my brows as my finger taps my chin. "Mummy!" Y/N squeals in delight, thrusting her hands outwards, waiting for me to lift her up.

I grab her and am instantly engulfed in blueberry tasting kisses. "You noisy darling." I smile up at her and I swear, I can see a twinkle in her eye.

"Merry Christmas sweetheart." Oliver pulls me in for a kiss and I melt into his arms, both of us do.

Pulling away from our kiss the only thing I can say to the blueberry tasting man is, "Merry Christmas, Green Grinch."

Y/N shoots up in laughter, mimicking me, as we both flee the room while Oliver is chasing after us.

Y/N leads us to the living room where both Oliver and I collapse onto the sofa.

"Green Grinch?" He whispers, mock offended as he hovers above me.

I nod my head as his breath is heavy on my skin. "I think it has a nice ring to it." I smirk, bursting into a fit of giggles as his head begins to lower.

"I think Mrs Queen has an even better ring." Oliver connects his lips to mine.

"Ya it does, for the last year and a half. Or did you forget?" I pull him down closer.

"Never Laurel." He smiles and my insides die in awe of him. Every single day, I just fall in love with him all over again. After-all, he gave me the most precious thing in my life.


That love is in the living and breathing form of Y/N. The same Y/N who is celebrating her first Christmas today. That's why, she's thrown a wrapped box at her father's head to break up our making out, only so she can open presents.

"She's so violent." Oliver whispers as we watch her tear her gifts open mercilessly.

"She is that Green Arrows daughter." I respond, my head looking up at him from his lap.

"What happened to the Green Grinch?" Oliver smirks and I pull away from him before I make my next comment.

"I lost the right to call you that when you stuck on a Santa costume last night." I tease to which he grabs a hold of me.

"I did that for our daughter. You promised you wouldn't say anything." He frowns.

"Babe please. I'm talking about the one from late last night." I pull him closer and we both stare each other into the eyes knowingly.

"Just you wait until Y/N's first Christmas is over Mum."

"Can't wait Dad."


What a trash fucking edit. Yuck. The idea was so cool as well. I hate me.

When I have time I will rewrite this.

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