Oliver Queen (Parent) x Reader

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I have exams for 3 weeks, so sorry for any inactivity in advance!

There are hardly any family imagines, especially for the arrow characters, cough Oliver Queen cough, even after he has a son. It's sad, because it's not always read smut. Sometimes it's nice to read something comforting after a difficult day.

Anyways, I've been feeling really down lately, and for some reason, the thought of Oliver Queen makes me feel better. So here goes nothing. I saw a similar storyline on a British soap. I've changed it up a bit, so that I have some of my own mark on it. Anyways, thank you for reading my mini rant, and ya, let's get to reading!

You're 16

⚠️Warning: None.

Oliver's POV

"Dad! Someone from the office!" Y/N my daughter calls, running up to me with the home telephone. Thanking her with a nod of my head, I hold the phone up to my ear.

"Oliver Queen." I answer, Felicity eyeing me, Y/N a few steps away on the couch, watching TV. "Mayor Queen, finally good to know, you know...who I am." Adrian drawls into the phone, arrogance laced along with venom in his voice.

Grabbing Felicity by her arm, I move us as far as I can from my daughter, having Felicity track him, from wherever it is, he is. "Adrian, hand yourself in." My voice is low and demanding, as I try to keep him on the line.

"Tut. Tut. Don't you mean Prometheus?" He psychotically laughs, as I thin my lips, trying my best to not strangle him through the phone.

"I know you're a busy man Mayor, or is it Green Arrow? Anyways, I won't keep you long. I have a video for you, check your phone." He hangs up and I look to Felicity, who is frowning, telling me she didn't get his location.

"I need to use the restroom." I excuse myself from our guests, Y/N not really paying any attention to me, she's stuck in deep conversation with Sara and Caitlin.

Grabbing my phone from my bedside table, I lock myself shut in the bathroom, going through my camera roll. It's mostly work related documents, a few pictures of family and friends, but then something starts to poke out from the rest of the videos.

Squinting my eyes with furrowed brows, I click the video, focusing on the body covered in the shadows of the dark and a duvet. It's Y/N. She's asleep in her room, specifically last night. I remember she was wearing that same shirt when she came to kiss me good night. A hand, no doubt Adrian's, starts to stroke her hand, and I hold my breath as his hand hovers over her chest. He stops. Pulling his hand away when Y/N turns in her sleep. Then, I notice he's not only stroking her hand, he's sat on the bed, extremely close, caressing her cheek. Seconds later the video ends.

Fuming, I stand, just about evening out my breathing, and then I throw everything in front of me to the ground, watching glass smash everywhere.

I can hear the telephone ringing, everyone shocked when they see me step out, the smashing of the glass loud enough for them to hear. My eyes hover over to Y/N's, and then I grab the phone, answering the call.

"Listen-" Adrian begins but I cut him off.

"No! You listen to me, you son of a bitch! I'm going to kill you! Do you hear me? I will kill you!" I smash the phone down onto the surface, it crumbles to pieces, his echoing sarcastic laugh, and the video of my innocent daughter, replaying in my mind.

"Oliver, what's happened?" Barry asks, Diggle and Felicity approaching as well. "Get out of my way Barry. This is my fight." I ignore him, knowing full well he'll want me to do things 'by the law'. The same law that fails to protect our city from people such as Adrian.

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