Leonard/Mick x Reader

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QOTD: Favourite Leonard Gif/Moment?




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⚠️Warning: Reader ends up with who you choose.


"You good?" Leo rolls off his tongue effortlessly, allowing himself into mine and my husband Mick's room.

I nod, not so convincingly as I sniff, watching his long fingers roll into a fist down by his left side. "Did the two of you fight again?" He asks ever so patiently, nothing but concern and warmth radiating off of the otherwise careless and cold man.

"I didn't do anything wrong." I mumble as I hide myself further into my sheets. I've never been one for emotions, but in the 3 years I've known Leonard, I've always been able to open up to him. Even when both him and Mick stopped talking, despite being Mick's fiancé, I kept in regular contact with Leonard.

I'll admit when I met the duo 3 years back, I was attracted to Leonard first, yet Mick was the one who swept me off of my feet. However, now just like every other week, when Mick and I argue over absolutely nothing, I am baffled when I try to think/remember exactly what attracted me to that massive ball of depression.

"What did he do this time?" Leo smiles kindly, as he plops himself onto the end of my bed, all the whilst I'm wrapped in my duvet, staring up at the ceiling, my emotions concealed behind a sigh.

After much thought, waging a battle between my soul and heart and mind and body, finally my heart wins. I let him in. I let loose the issues that taint both Mick and I's relationship.

"He was drunk..." Before I can even continue Leonard snarls, what more could we expect of Mick. It's all he ever does. Dwell on his past and blame everyone but himself, the one truly responsible. Leonard gestures to carry on with the squeeze of my leg, and I do, mentally cursing myself for the goosebumps that arised.

"He was going on and on about a woman, at first I thought it was nothing, just him being...him, drunk. He always likes to mess with everyone's feelings, put them down, even his own wife. But then, I realised he meant Amaya." I roll my eyes at my stupidity, how could I have been so blind. Mick has always jumped at any opportunity to hurt anyone kind to him. Anyone who shows Mick compassion, he gets terrified and hurts them.

"He is so obsessed with hurting me, deep down in his subconscious, that is why he has to let me know how bad he wants to sleep with my best friend. It's sick. I'm sick of him. I'm sick of myself for not realising sooner, how terrible he is." I snap, all the whilst Leonard quietly nods his head, absorbing the information.

"I know what will cheer you up." He smirks, icy blue eyes melting into mine. "I'm not getting up out of this bed." I yawn as I turn my head away.

Seconds later I feel his arms wrap around my waist and under my knees, carrying me bridal style to our spot.


"Sparring?" I look to him confused as I grab the metal stick he throws towards me.

"Let those emotions loose. I know you want to roll around on the ground with me." He teasingly winks and I roll my eyes as I lunge towards him. Leonard and I have had flirtatious banter for as long as I can remember, but lately it's starting to feel more full on. I don't mind, but I feel like Mick does.

"Oh baby." He groans as he attacks me back, eventually just as he said the pair of us are rolling on the ground, panting, at a shortage of breath.

I accidentally dropped my weapon and as a result moved to retrieve it, but Leonard had something else completely unexpected in mind.

"Leave him." He states as a matter of fact. Hiding my face from him, bending over to collect the metal object, I gather my emotions and thoughts, then look him right in the eyes.

"Hypothetically if I did. What would I do? I couldn't stay here, it would be too weird." I play the devils advocate but Leonard shakes his head.

"You'll have me." He cryptically replies. I myself am unsure what he means. Whether he's being romantic or platonic. Neither am I sure what I want him to be. You'd think my increased heartbeat would be evidence as to what I feel towards the blue eyed devil. Yet a part of me just has to be a victim of Mick's emotional abuse. Pathetic.

"Don't say anything now. You don't have to decide now, Y/N... love." He takes ahold of my hands in his, as we're sat cross legged on the floor.

"Just know, I will always be the man you deserve. I don't care what happens out there in the field, or in the world. I will always come home to you, because I love you, and have loved you for the longest time." He admits, pouring his heart out, which is most uncharacteristic of him.

"I want to give and be everything to you that Mick is not, and that that son of a bitch is taking for granted. Because you deserve everything. I love you." Personally I know I want him, I know Leonard is the better choice, but I still hope Mick would change, and that tiny shred of useless hope is why I'm always miserable.

"I need to think." I mutter, barely audible, as I stand, Leonard also standing in the process. We both know his confession has the power to either stem a relationship between us, or destroy our friendship. That's what makes our final moments in this room ever so important.

"I will always love you Leonard." I admit, eyes shut as I savour the moment. Already aware of the decision I'm going to make, as I hug him tightly, inhaling his heavenly fresh and crisp scent of citrus and nature; the hope I have for Mick, also clouding my judgement.


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