Chapter 1

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"CASSIEEEEEE!!!!!" a high pitched scream came from downstairs.

"YAAAAAAAAAS?" I screamed back.

"Ben is coming over with his friends again" Kate's blonde head popped through my door.

I groaned.

"But they were here just the other day."

"Oh come on. They don't bite" Kate smiled.

"Whatever" I went back to reading my favourite book, The Fault In Our Stars.

Kate soon left as she took this as a hint that I wouldn't be joining her, her boyfriend and his friends. Again.

It's not like I hate Kate's boyfriend or anything, it's just that Ben and his friends can get pretty loud sometimes. And since this is a flat in London, the neighbours tend to complain. Not to mention it distracts me from my studying.

I'm 17 and I'm in my final year of college so I need to concentrate on my studies which is kind of hard to do when your roomate has her boyfriend and his friends over practically everday of the week.

I don't really socialise with them though. I've seen Ben and spoken to him a few times. He's a really nice guy but I haven't seen or spoken to his friends yet. I tend to stay in my room or go out when they come over. Today I'm staying in my room.

I ran downstairs and grabbed a can of coke from the fridge and a packet of Oreos from the cupboard and some popcorn as I wouldn't be coming downstairs for food in a while.

Just as I was about to run up the stairs the doorbell rang. Crap!

"That's my que to leave" I stuck my tongue out at Kate who ran to open the door.

I quickly ran up the stairs as fast as I could. I didn't want any of the boys to see me, seeing as I was wearing an oversized white t-shirt that fell above my knees so you couldn't see my black shorts underneath.

I was now laying on my bed on my back with my feet leaning up on the wall and I had my book in one hand and my iPod in the other.

I could hear loud voices and laughter coming from downstairs. Great. I put the volume of my music up to it's loudest point to block out the noise.

1 hour later my face was full of tear stains and my nose was all runny. The Fault In Our Stars always made me cry like mad no matter how many times I read it.

As I put the book down I felt a sudden urge to pee. I turned my music down slightly to check if the boys were still here. I couldn't hear anything so they must've left but just to double check I opened my door slightly and peeked out of it.

The coast was clear.

As I reached the bathroom the door swung open and a really tall boy walked out of it.

"Oh crap!" I gasped.

I was standing in front of a stranger in a t-shirt with my legs on full display and my shorts weren't visible. How great.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to scare you" the tall boy said as he looked me up and down causing me to blush deeper.

His voice was's that word? Mesmerising!

It made me look up at his face. I was kind of short, 5'5, so I had to crane my neck a bit to look up at his face cause he was really tall! Probably 6'4 or something.

But when I saw his face I felt all the air in me get knocked out. He was beautiful. He had blonde hair that was in a quiff and piercing blue eyes. His eyes were the first thing I noticed. I then noticed something on his lip. Was that a lip ring? Yep it definitely was.

"Ahem" the boy coughed, snapping me back to my senses.

Dang it! He'd caught me staring. I blushed and looked at the floor.

"I'm sorry if I scared you" he said.

"Oh no it's okay. I wasn't expecting anyone to be here. I thought everyone had gone" I said.

"They're all watching a film and the door is closed" he told me.

"Well that would explain why it's so quiet"

"Yeah. You must be Cassie? The one that's always hiding from us" he smiled.

"I am not hiding!" I almost yelled.

"Then why won't you hang out with us?"

"I just have a lot of studying to do" I told him.

"But it's not like you have to study everyday now is it?"

"You're being cheeky" I crossed my arms.

"And you're being silly" he crossed his arms too.

This made me giggle.

"Why are you laughing?" he asked.

"Cause you're funny"

I saw a slight smile on his face.

"Well then, I'm glad I made you laugh" now he had a full smile on.

"So what's you're name funny boy?"

"Oh yeah, sorry I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Luke" he put his hand forward.

"And I'm Cassie which you already know" I shook his hand but then instantly pulled back.


"What's wrong?" Luke's voice was full of concern.

"It's nothing. Electric shock" I told him.

"Ooops! I'm so sorry."

"It's okay" I smiled at him.

"Start again?" I asked as I put my hand forward this time which he gladly shook.

"Well it was nice talking to you Luke. I kind of really need to pee now so yeah."

"It was nice talking to you too Cassie" he gave me a smile and turned to walk back downstairs.

As I opened the door to the bathroom, Luke stopped and turned around again, "hey Cassie?"

"Yeah?" I turned to face him.

"Is it okay if I come up to talk you from time to time?" he asked.

"Yeah sure" I gave him a big smile which he returned before going downstairs.

What a way to meet a stranger ay.


So guys what'd ya think of this first chapter? I'm gonna take my time with these chapters cause I really want to make this fanfic work.

Please comment on any improvements that I could make or leave any suggestions as to what you want to happen next and stuff :)

Big loves x

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