Chapter 12

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"Cassieeeee, hurry up" Luke whined from downstairs.

"Jheez Luke keep your pants on!"

I heard him laugh.

I was getting changed into my pjs so that I was more comfortable. Once I'd pulled on my pyjama pants and top, and stuck my hair up in a pony tail, I skipped downstairs.

"And I'm done!" I skidded into the lounge with my arms in the air like I was superman.

"You're such a dork" Luke chuckled from the couch.

"Pfft says you" I stuck my tongue out at him.

"Are you seriously wearing a white vest with long pyjama pants that have teddy bears on them at the age of 17?" Luke asked as he looked me up and down and gave me a are-you-serious look.

"And what if I am?!" I gave him some sass.

"Dork" he rolled his eyes.





"Giant" I smirk.

"Okay okay you win" he held up his hands in defeat.

"Yes!" I fist punched the air.

"Do..." Luke was about to say dork but stopped after I gave him a you-really-wanna-start-that-again look.

"Can we watch the movie now?" Luke changed the subject.

"Lukeeeee, I don't wanna watch it" I groaned.

"Aw come on, it's probably not even that scary."

"Dude have you fricking seen the damn trailer!" I wave my hands at him in a flailing motion.

"Well no but they always make the trailers seem scary. Come on Cassie, please watch The Conjuring with me" he begged.

I bit my lip and mentally debated whether I should or not.

I sighed and then sat down on the couch, one seat away from Luke.

"Yay!" Luke cheered.

"If I have nightmares for the next month then I blame you Hemmings" I scowled.

Luke just smirked at me as he got up to turn off the lights.

I brought my knees up to my chest as the film began.

"Fuck the doll moved!" I squealed and hid my face with my hands.

I heard Luke chuckle from his seat.

"It's only the beginning Cassie."

"Shut up! It's still scary" I sniffed.

All of a sudden I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around me and pull me.

"It's okay, I've got you" Luke whispered in my ear.

I wrapped my arms back around him as I turned my head towards the tv.

He held me tightly everytime my body tensed up at a scary part.

But I couldn't handle it at the end when it got too scary so I hid my face in Luke's chest.

He laughed and held me more closer to him and drew little circles on my back.

I inhaled Luke's scent. He smelled like soap and some other kind of scent that was unique. Something that smelt of Luke.

Even after the film finished I was still hidden in Luke's chest.

"Are you gonna stay there forever?" He asked.

"Yes" I mumbled through the fabric of his shirt.

"It wasn't that scary" he poked my arm.

"Yes it was!" I pulled back from him and turned around so that I was facing the wall and not him.

"I'm sorryyyyy" he poked me even more to get my attention.

"No. You made me watch a scary film and now I'm scared" I sulked.

"Lukey is very sorry" he said in a baby voice.

I turned around.

I couldn't help but giggle.

"What?" he sounded confused.

"You called yourself Lukey" by now I was full on laughing and clutching my stomach.

Luke gave me a weird look like I had gone mad but then he grinned and scratched the back of his neck and started to laugh too.

I stopped laughing and looked at him.

"And why are you laughing?" I asked him.

"Because your laugh makes me laugh" he smirked.

"Rude!!!!" I yelled.

" I meant it as in I like your laugh. You look really cute and it just makes you beautiful. N..not that you already aren't beautiful I mean...I just...." he stutterered.

"It's okay, I get what you mean" I smiled at him.

He finally let out a breath, like he'd been holding it in for a while.

He then stared at me. Well more at my eyes and he slowly leaned it. For some reason I started to lean in too.

We were so close that our noses were touching and I could smell the sweet smell of popcorn as he breathed.

Our lips were just a centimeter apart and just as they were about to touch Calum burst through the door yelling, "HONEY I'M HOME" like the bitchacho he was and we both instantly jumped apart.

Calum just looked at me and then at Luke and then at me again.

"Were you guys just about to..." Calum raised his eyebrow at us.

"What? Nope. No. " Both Luke and I chorused at the same time.

"No what?" Kate asked as she also came into the lounge.

"I just caught these two about to..."Calum began to say but Luke cut him off, "to fall asleep."

Kate looked back and forth from me to Luke just like Calum had.

She didn't seem to believe Luke but before she could say anything I chimed in.

"Um I'm gonna go to sleep now so um goodnight" I hurried past them and ran up the stairs.

I passed Michael on the way up but I ignored him and ran into my room.

Phew, that was close.

I pulled the covers over me once I was in bed and replayed what had just happened over in my head.

Was I really about to kiss Luke?


Did I have feelings for Luke?

No I couldn't have.

I mean he was my best friend now.

It probably was just a spur of the moment kind of thing.

I didn't have feelings for Luke Hemmings.

I just didn't.

I tried to sleep but I couldn't and I knew why.

I reached under my pillow and my hand wandered around until I found what I was looking for.

I hated having to do this but it was the only way.

I don't even know why I'd tried to sleep without it.

I took one out and placed it on my tongue before I gulped it down with a glass of water.

And with that I closed my eyes and hoped to have a peaceful and dreamless night like all the nights before.

(You thought they were gonna kiss didn't you haha! Oh I have plans for Cassie's first kiss already, you'll just have to wait hehe. Make sure to vote and comment! Thank you!)

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