Chapter 45

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*Michael's POV*

When Ashton said that Cassie doesn't live too far away he actually meant it because Cassie lived RIGHT NEXT DOOR!!!!!!!

I followed Luke into her house when I finally heard her voice.

"Lukey boo...", she made her way towards Luke but stopped dead in her tracks when she saw me.

Just the sight of her took my breath away. She was wearing an oversized band tee, which I'm guessing was Luke's, and black shorts. Her usual pyjama attire.

She quickly recovered and changed the direction she was walking in and headed towards the living room instead.

Luke gave me an apologetic look before going after her. It took all of my will power not to punch him in the face after knowing what he had done and what he was currently doing.

"Cass I'm sorr....", I heard Luke begin to say.

"No Luke, it's fine. I don't mind him being here. He is your friend after all and I can't do anything about that."

I clenched my fists and entered the living room to find Ashton spread out on the floor on his elbows.

"Oh Michael, you're here."

"Always the tone of surprise Ash", I rolled my eyes.

Calum and Brittany were cuddled up on the love seat. Luke and Cassie were on the couch but there was a small gap in between them, probably not to make me feel awkward. Well too bad, it was already awkward.

I smirked to myself and went right ahead and plopped my sexy ass in between them. I could feel Cassie's body stiffen as my thigh brushed against hers. I could tell Luke felt uncomfortable too but neither of them said anything.

Brittany looked around to see if everyone was here and hit play on the remote. I shuffled in my seat as the movie played, coming into contact with Cassie even more. By the time I was satisfied with the position I was in, Luke had gotten up to go to the bathroom. Yes! Here was my chance.

Should I tell her though? It could crush her. As much as I hated admitting it, she seemed so much more happier with Luke. Her eyes gleamed when he was with her and the way she smiled with him made my heart ache. It should be me making her smile and laugh like that. It should be me that she's happy to see. Could I really ruin all this for her?

I was about to back out when I realised that her happiness wasn't real. Luke wasn't actually making her happy. Whatever they had was a lie. Luke was a lie and I had to save her from him. She might end up hating me for life but if it meant that Luke couldn't ruin her then so be it. I could live with that.

"Cass", I whispered. No reply.

"Cass please, I need to tell you something", I tried again. This time she turned her head towards and threw me a glare.

"Leave. Me. Alone", she turned her head away.

"Look I'm not here to apologise because I know you won't listen. I need to tell you something about Luke."

Her head perked up as I mentioned Luke. She opened her mouth to say something back but Luke decided to come back just at that moment. Luke and his fucking timing.

As Luke took his place on my other side he gave me a small smile, I gave him one of my fakest smiles ever. From the corner of my eye, I saw Cassie mouth "after" to me. YES! I could finally tell her everything. Now all I had to do was wait.


*Cassie's POV*

3 hours and 2 movies later everyone finally left. I began to clear away all the mess when I realised Michael was still here. SHIT!

"What do you want?"

"You said I could talk to you after, remember?"

Urgh that was true, I did say that.

"Fine, talk", I crossed my arms and sat as far away from him as I could.

"Listen Cassie, Luke isn't who you think he is", he looked me in the eye with a serious face.

"Yeah sure", I scoffed.

"No really he isn't." And that's when he told me everything about Sarah and Luke making her drug his drink and how it was Sarah who cheated on him with Luke.

My mouth hung open when he was finished.

"No", I whispered, "Luke wouldn't do that."

"You know I'm right. You just don't want to believe that your perfect boy Luke isn't so innocent after all", he gritted through his teeth. I stayed silent. I didn't know what to believe anymore.

"Just trust me on this please", he muttered.

He began to get up and so did I. I finally let out a breath that I didn't know I was holding. Suddenly Michael stopped and turned back towards me.

"You still have feelings for me don't you?", he asked.

I froze. Did I still have feelings for him? Fuck yes I did! Was I going to tell him this? Hell no! I knew my voice would give me away so I shook my head instead.

His eyes seemed to darken as he took 3 strides towards me. Oh shit.

"You're lying", he whispered in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

" I'm not", I stuttered.

"Yes you are. Your body still reacts to my touch", his trailed his fingertips up my arm. Goosebumps instantly emerged. My skin was burning as if it was in fire wherever he touched me.

"Sto...stop", my breath came out shaky.

He leaned in, our faces merely an inch apart. I could feel the heat radiate of his lips onto mine. He looked down at my lips and then up at my eyes. Oh God, was he going to kiss me? It was as if he could read my mind because he started smirking.

"I'm not going to kiss you Cass. Not unless you want me to."

I wanted to scream "YES! KISS ME", but my mouth stayed shut. I knew if I kissed him then there would be no stopping.

He pulled away from and blew me a blow kiss before walking away, leaving me breathless.


I wrote this whole chapter in less than 2 hours! Be proud of me.

Expect there to be more updates frequently. I realised just how much I missed writing and how much writing means to me. I've also realised that I write to escape reality and live in my own little world for a bit. I've been having some troubles lately, all the typical teenage girl stuff. But writing has helped and now I'm all gooooooood and I AM BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Hope you all enjoy this chapter and have a good day.

Big loves to you all x

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