Chapter 39

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*1 Week Later*

*Michael's POV*

I reached my hand out feeling the spot next to me, only to find it empty. I sat upright and Cassie was no where to be seen in the room. She must've woken up early since she was pretty much knocked out as soon as we got to the hotel room last night. I spotted a piece of paper near Cassie's bedside and picked it up.

Good morning Michael.

Just a quick reminder that in my eyes you are the most sexiest guy to ever walk this Earth and I wouldn't want anyone rather than you. You aren't perfect, but that's what makes you perfect for ME. I know I've never had the guts to say this but I.....I love you. YOU NEVER HEARD ME SAY THAT!

I'll see you in a bit.

Love Cassie x

She loves me. Cassie loves me. I mean yes we've said "I love you's" a few times here and there but that was just a thing. It didn't really have any meaning. But she finally said it. Well technically she didn't say it, she wrote it, but still.

Seeing as it was only 9 am, she was probably at breakfast. I trusted her to bring me breakfast.

I decided to take a shower until she got back. I rummaged through my bags till I found a band tee that each of us boys and Cassie had probably worn too many times and some skinny jeans. I then made my way to the bathroom to take a shower.

After I took a shower, I heard Cassie in the room and decided to hurry and try to catch her.

"Hey babe. I'm kind of busy today, lots of interviews to schedule." She said as she pecked my lips and handed me my breakfast.

"Mmmmmmmm. I know but I uhm I want to tell you something." I said, losing all my cool as well as my appetite.

"What is it Mikey?"

"Uhhhhh, well. I uhh. I told the boys we would all go out clubbing tonight. Me, you, Calum, Britt, Ash, and Luke." I said, chickening out.

"Oh." She said, sounding dissappointed. "You shouldn't of been that scared to say that silly." She said, laughing.

I knew I had disappointed her. I knew she was expecting me to tell her I loved her, I just can't. But I do love her.

It's just when I get really really drunk, I lose all control and tend to say things and do things that I later on regret. After all, that was how I lost my first love.

I totally lost track of time thinking too much about this because before I knew it Brittany was yelling at me to go get in the van and that everyone was waiting.


*2 Hours Later*

We had finished sound check and were about to go on but I had to quickly find Cassie. I had to tell her I loved her before we went on stage. I looked everywhere for her and finally found her beside the stage.

"Hey Cass I have to tell you something." I told her.

"What is it love?" She asked, her eyes filling with hope.


"Let's go!" Luke said, pulling me away.

I mentally cursed myself and gave Cassie an apologetic look before letting Luke pull me away.

We played through the set as normal and said our goodbyes to the crowd when we were done.

We rushed backstage and started to get changed. Once we were all changed, we all pile into the van, not waiting for One Direction to perform. We were dropped off at the hotel and the girls ran up to change before we walked to the club.

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