Chapter 4

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College went by like a drag but I still took loads of notes and managed to finish all my work. I had some extra classes to go to so by the time college had finished for me it was 5 in the afternoon.

I was a bit hungry since I missed lunch so I went to Starbucks and bought two hot chocolates and a muffin but as I was leaving Starbucks I saw a familiar purple head on the other side of the road.


And he was with some tall blonde girl. She had so much make up on and her clothes were so tight and revealing. What a slut. But then I noticed Michael leaning in and kissing her. No wait, scratch that.

They were full on making out.

I know it was none of my business but for some reason it pained me to see it. So I walked away before he could notice me but it was too late. He looked up and saw me but I looked away and just walked off before he could say anything.

I rang the bell seeing as my hands were full and a few seconds later Kate opened the door.

"Hey you're back"

"Yep I'm back. Here" I handed her a hot chocolate and a muffin.

"Awww thanks Cass" she hugged me.

"How was college?" she asked.

"The usual" I told her.

"How was work?" I asked her.

Kate was 19 and she'd finished college but she didn't go to Uni so instead she worked as a fashion designer and a hairdresser.

"Oh the usual" she replies.

"You okay?" she asks suddenly.

"Of course, why wouldn't I be" I gave her a fake smile.

"You seem down."

"I'm just tired I guess" I told her.

"Go get some rest then"

"Yeah I will" I say and then head upstairs to my room. I drank down my hot chocolate and then ate my muffin. I turned on my music and out blasted "Rude" by MAGIC. I danced around to it for a while as I got changed into a pair of dark blue leggings and a black tank top.

I genuinely felt really tired and seeing as tomorrow was Saturday there was no college so I didn't really have to do any homework. I decided to take a nap for a while. I left my music on and laid in bed. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit the pillow.

When I woke up it was 8:30pm. I'd been asleep for two hours. I just laid in bed for a while rubbing the sleep off my eyes when I noticed something on my bedside table. There was a glass of water and a croissant.

Someone had been in my room. But who? It didn't take long to figure out who. Michael. Who else would put a croissant there.

I got up and drank the water and ate the croissant.

Wait does that mean the boys are here? Did I even have to ask? Of course they were. I fixed my hair by running my fingers through it and then went downstairs.

Everyone was in the living room chilling.

Ashton and Calum were on the xbox, Luke and Ben were on their DSi's, Kate was doing her nails and Michael was on his phone.



"Come on and join us kiddo!" Kate says.

"Babe just cause you're two years older than me doesn't mean I'm a kiddo" I cross my arms.

"So does" she says as she waves the nail polish stick in the air.

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