two - alone forever

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Peggy's POV

"Hazel, You have to tell me what happened." I sat in a chair across from hazel, she was terrified, shaking from fear.

She's just a terrified child, the sooner she tells me about what happened is the sooner I can get her to a orphanage so I can continue my work.

"Hazel? You need to talk to me." I brushed hazel's short hair behind her ear

"Momma hurt him" Hazel whispered and looked down, messing with her fingers.

"Who did momma hurt?" I asked in a sweet voice to be comforting towards her.

"The man at home, glass" Hazel started biting her nails. A habit she must use to calm herself

"How did you escape?"


"You climbed out a window? You?"

Hazel just nodded, keeping her eyes towards her nails.

"Can you show me where you live Hazel?"

Hazel nodded once again and stood to her feet

• • •
Hazel's POV

Scared. I'm scared to be put in a orphanage, my Momma always told me she would put me in one, she said it was horrible and I would be treated "bad"

I kept a faster pace than Miss Peggy. She kept telling me to slow down but my heart was beating so fast I didn't care about what anyone was saying. I just want this to be over.

I was so deep in thought that I almost missed my house."There" I pointed at it. Peggy looked it it for a moment "back up" she warned me. after backing up she took out this heavy weight thing and broke the doorknob.

"Well that was easy" Peggy opened the door and motioned for me to stay.

"Hazel come here" I heard her voice. I stepped inside and to my surprise, he was gone. just broken glass and blood stains on the floor but no body.

"He- I saw momma hurt him" I said looking around more.

"He was probably just knocked out. We will find him. Now Hazel" Peggy kneeled down "you should go get anything that you wish to keep"

I didn't really have much. Just a beat up teddy bear and one dress, Mom didn't like to waste money on a "worthless child"

I Nodded then walked into my room, I heard Peggy speak to some of the other people that came with us. I picked up an old duffel bag and stuffing my two belongings in it. I wanted out, I wanted a real family, my mother robbed me of that, I never want to see her again.

Leaving my room, I turned off the light and stood there awkwardly waiting for Miss Peggy to finish talking. I knew where I was going, I knew it wouldn't be great, but it's better then this place.

                              •   •   •

I Climbed into the back seat of a really nice car. Peggy got into the drivers seat and started driving to what I think is the orphanage.

We didn't really speak. I just stared out the window and sulked. We drove for what felt like hours but we didn't pull up to a orphanage, we pulled up to an apartment building.

Peggy got out and opened my door, after getting out I stared at her "Where are we?" I spoke in a very quiet voice, I don't know if I can truly trust her. "We are at my apartment hazel, its too late to take you anywhere." I nodded and followed her inside and up the stairs, "Do you have any nightwear?" Peggy walked up to a door and unlocked it. I shook my head. "Well We'll figure something out" Peggy walked inside and put her purse on the table. "Follow me" She walked to a room in the back, "this is the guest room, Make yourself at home while I find you something to sleep in." She walked out and left me alone in the room.

I looked around the room, it has simple white walls and old wood flooring, the bed had plain blue bedding with a small nightstand next to it, I put my bag on the bed, I had close to nothing. I walked to the closet and reached up to grab a hanger. after putting my one yellow dress up I had nothing else to do.

"I found this, it won't completely fit you" Peggy walked in and handed me a really oversized blue nightgown. "Get changed and go to bed," Peggy smiled and left. I was grateful for the nightgown but goodness was it big. Better then nothing. I quickly took off my dirty pink dress and put on the nightgown. very big but comfortable.

After climbing into bed, I grabbed my teddy and just stared up at the ceiling. I lost everything now, even though my mother is cold towards me I still love her, I wish that I had a loving mother and a father. I know Momma's husband isn't my real father, sometimes I imagined him as a ice cream shop owner, that would be cool.

"Darling Lights out." Peggy snapped me from my thoughts, "Yes Ma'am" I reached for the lamp and turned it off.

I laid there thinking of a family. That's all I want. I'm Alone Now, All alone. Tears started falling and I hugged my teddy harder.

"I don't want to be alone"

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