eight - mini hero

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Hazel Carter, Age 11

Hazel's POV

I talked Peggy into bringing me to the boxing place more. People are always making my life harder at school and I can't punch my way out.

I have left school a couple of times, of course I always get found. I could have outran them all but where I truly want is to be at home with Peggy.

"Hazel, your almost better then me!" Colin laughed and hit his own bag.

"That's the goal." I hit mine harder.

Barry doesn't talk to me as much, he has new smart friends. The only ones I have to talk to now is Peggy and Colin.

I hit the bag even harder.

It's my mother's fault, she hurt me and ruined my future.

I hit the bag and the bag went up higher.

'You are exactly like me Hazel. You can't run from me!' I heard my mother's nasty voice in me head.

I screamed and punched the bag so hard it broke off and hit the floor.

"Whoah there, you okay?" Colin stopped and walked towards me.

"I'm fine. I'm done for today." I ripped off the bands on my hands and walked off to the front so I can wait for Peggy.

                               •  •  •

Peggy made a simple dinner which I picked at. Of course she told me to eat and I did here and there but I just want sleep.

I got ready for bed and laid down. I still have my teddy bear. I can't sleep, I'm haunted by my mother's voice.

It's been a little while so Peggy most likely was sleeping already so since I couldn't sleep I took a step outside and on the fire escape stairwell.

I should come out here more, I could draw so much.

I closed my eyes and took in the fresh air, feeling all the anger and anxiety leaving my body. It's Just me, myself and I.

I eventually sat crisscrossed and looked up at the Stars.

"Father. I know you probably don't know I exist but you can hear me from heaven, I'm your daughter and I'm alone. I only have Peggy, of course you don't know her but she's a sweet lady, she saved me." I felt tears rolling down my face.

I don't want to be alone anymore.

"Please Save me from my loneliness." I whispered.

Just as I was going to head in, I heard a loud scream.

"HELP!" I heard a woman yell.

I wiped the tears off my face and climbed down the fire escape stairs.

"GIVE IT BACK!" She screamed and I heard tumbling sound.

I saw a man talking off with the woman's purse.

"Stay here" I yelled to her and ran after him.

He looked back to see me catching up quickly.

"YOU CAN'T RUN FOREVER!" I yelled and felt the adrenaline rush. I love it.

He started pulling things from the street down so he could slow me down but I jumped and dodged every single one of them.

I caught up with him and pulled him back.

"A child? Against me?" The older man laughed.

"I may be a child but I can still kick your ass" I punched his arm and he stumbled back.

"Give it here and I'll let you go" I put my hand out but still keeping myself at a distance.

He went to try and push me back but I punched him in the stomach and he coughed.

"I spend my Wednesday's in boxing lessons, what are you doing to do?" I protected my face.

He grunted and went in to try and punch me in the face but I beat him to it and he dropped the purse.

I quickly picked it up "Thank you for your cooperation!" I gave a toothy smile and took off back down the street to return the purse.

"Here you go ma'm!" I gave her the purse.

"You are my mini hero!" She smiled.

"Mini?" I giggled.

"Well you aren't exactly big" she stated.

"You aren't wrong." I turned.

"Thank you dear." She added.

"No problem." I ran back down further and up the fire escape stairs.

Now I feel tired.

I tip toed back to my room and got into bed.

"So worth it."

                                •  •  •
Peggy's POV

"Hazel time to get up!" I opened her door.

"But it's the weekend!" Hazel complained.

"Early Bird gets the worm!" I exclaimed.

"Ugh Fine, Why am I getting up anyway?" She whined.

"Field trip." I pulled out a simple green dress.

"To where?" She sat up.

"A military camp, I have a few things to do." I laid her dress on the bed.

"But why? It's not for me is it?" Her eyes widened.

"No no, I have business to attend to and I couldn't get a babysitter." I smiled and left to get finish getting ready.

A/N Sorry about it being short, I'm trying my hardest to finish all the chapters for the first half of the book and I needed to post something so I thought Hazel could have a moment of being a hero!

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