twelve - assemble

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"Hazel finish down there then join us." Natasha spoke to me on coms.

"Of course." I replied but a chitauri spotted me and shot my arm. "Mother F-" I put my hand on my arm and kicked the chitauri down, grabbed his gun and shot him. He's dead probably. My hand is sore from breaking that chair.

"Hazel what happened?" Natasha asked in a concerning tone. "I'm good, one of the chitauri hit me, I'll live." My jacket had a small burning hole in it, no blood just a painful burn. "I'm coming." I ran, jumped then grabbed the side of the bridge and hoisted myself over.

Some chitauri tried to climb over but I kicked them off. "Not today buddy." I nailed one in the face with my foot and it landed on a car. "Nice work." I heard Natasha behind me. I breathed heavily. "Why thank you." I nodded and walked to where Clint was fighting some chitauri.

Steve ran up and hit some chitauri and Thor landed right in front of me then killed some with his lightning. "What's the story upstairs?" Steve put his hand up to his ear. I moved the loose hairs out of my face.

Thor stood up straight. "The power surrounding the cube is impenetrable." I listened to what everyone was saying but examined the wound on my arm. Damn I really liked this jacket. "Thor is right, we gotta deal with these guys." I heard Tony's voice in my ear. "There's so many, how do we deal with them all?" I put my focus back on everyone. "As a team." Steve declared.

"I have unfinished business with Loki." Thor said with anger in his voice. Don't we all?

"Oh yeah! Get in line." Clint said as he was readying some arrows. I crossed my arms "Save it. Loki's gonna keep this fight focused on us and that's what we need. Without him these things could run wild. We got Stark up top, he's gonna need us to-" Steve was talking but a loud motor was heard behind us.

Banner arrived on a motorbike. Steve, the others and me walked over, Banner got off and looked around, surveying the damage. "So, this all seems horrible." Banner had dirt all over himself.

"I've seen worse." Natasha stated, oh come on! Him being the hulk can't have been the worst thing she's seen, what about that Budapest stuff her and Clint were talking about? "Sorry." Banner apologized.

"No, we could- use a little worse." Natasha referred to the hulk. I've never actually seen the hulk but according to people on hellicarrier he was terrifying.

Steve put his hand to his ear again. "Stark, we got him." I sat down on the hood of one car and listened to the conversation. "Banner?" Stark spoke In all our earpieces. "Just like you said." Steve replied.

"Then tell him to suit up. I'm bringing the party to you." Stark announced. Then boom, Tony came around the corner with the huge snake thing following him. "I don't see how that's a party." Natasha stuttered. "I've never been to a party, but that sure isn't one." I hopped off the car and stood close to where everyone was.

Tony drew the creature low and it skimmed the road. Banner turned and began to walk away, towards the Leviathan. "Doctor Banner, now might be a really good time for you to get angry." Steve nodded to Banner.

"That's my secret, Cap. I'm always angry." Banner transformed into the Hulk and punched the Leviathan, smashing it into the ground.

" Banner transformed into the Hulk and punched the Leviathan, smashing it into the ground

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"Hold On!" Tony yelled And blasted a missile at the creature and it exploded. Natasha and Barton got behind a car. Thor stood taking the blast. Steve stood and pulled me close to him and covered us with his shield. the Chitauri all roared.

We all stood in a circle, Hulk roared, Clint nocked an arrow, Thor readied Mjolnir, Natasha loaded her gun, I stood beside Dad and Tonyhovered above us, landing next to the Hulk

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We all stood in a circle, Hulk roared, Clint nocked an arrow, Thor readied Mjolnir, Natasha loaded her gun, I stood beside Dad and Tony
hovered above us, landing next to the Hulk.

We all looked up, watching as more Leviathans and hundreds of warriors fly through the portal. Seriously? More?  "Guys?" Natasha spoke. "Call it, Captain." Tony looked at Steve.

"Alright, listen up. Until we can close that portal up there, we're gonna use containment. Barton, I want you on that roof, eyes on everything. Call out patterns and strays. Stark, you got the perimeter. Anything gets more than three blocks out, you turn it back or you turn it to ash." Steve motioned. "Wanna give me a lift?" Clint asked Tony. "Right. Better clench up, Legolas." Tony warned, grabbed Barton and flew him up to the top of a building, then flew off.

"Thor! You gotta try and bottleneck that portal, slow 'em down. You got the lightning, light the bastards up." Steve ordered. Thor swung Mjolnir, flying off.

"You, Natasha and me, we stay here on the ground, keep the fighting here. And Hulk!" Steve pointed to hulk.

Hulk turns around facing Cap, who points at him. "Smash!"

Hulk grinned, then leaped off, taking out dozens of warriors that are on the sides of the buildings -- grabbing them, smashing them and throwing them. He's a badass. Hulk leaped across the air and slapped a flying craft out of the air. Whoa.

An arm grabbed me and slammed me to the ground but I was quick to my feet and punched the chitauri in the throat. Then I grabbed the gun and shot him in the head. "Who wants more?" I yelled.

Three chitauri turned and started charging at me. "Oh no." I said uncomfortably. I shouldn't have said that. I ran and hopped on the hood of a car, jumped then landed on the chitauri's shoulders, grabbed the spear gun off him, shot the other two and stabbed the one I was on in the stomach with the end of the spear then hopped down before he fell. Man why wasn't I this good when those dudes kidnapped me back all those years ago?

I took a second to catch my breath then ran a little ways alway. Natasha was still in my sight so I'm good.

"Help!" I heard a voice coming from one of the cars. I ran up and spotted a boy that look around my age. "Oh man." I opened the door. His foot was trapped under the broken car seat. "I got you." I put my hands on the seat and tried to push it, Nothing.

"Try pulling it." He pushed his broken glasses back in place. I started pulling it but nothing happened. "Okay I'm going to grab one of those guns and see if I can get it to budge." I stood up and looked around. "What's your name?" I saw one laying close and grabbed it. "Parker...I mean Peter Parker." He awkwardly stuttered. "Well Peter, I'm Hazel nice to meet you." I sliced the spear end through the metal part and lifted it up. "Well there you go." I started helping him out but he slipped and fell, talking me down with him. "Oh..Sorry" he quickly jumped up and helped me to my feet. "Don't worry, I'm clumsy too." I brushed the dust off my jacket. "Go into that building, it's safe there." I pointed to it.

"Thank you...Hazel." He smiled at me. "No problem." I smiled back and ran towards where Natasha was.

I have a feeling that's not the last I see of Peter Parker.

Frozen In Time | H. Rogers ✓Where stories live. Discover now