eight - mighty bird suit

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My eyes opened and my head was in Natasha's lap.

I glanced around. I was in the backseat of the truck. "What happened?" I started to move  but Nat held me down. "Don't move."

I noticed the pain in my leg. "My leg." I pointed my hand.

"Yeah you got a pretty bad wound there, don't worry it's not broken." Nat moved the hair out of my face.

My fingers were shaking. "Dad." I softly said. He  was driving so he couldn't look back. "Hazel, you're okay." He assured me. "We're going to a safe place, for now stay still until we look at your wounds."

"Only my leg hurts." I was forced to look at the ceiling of the truck.

Nat was gently touching my head. Trying to keep me calm.

I feel protected and safe around Nat, I don't have many mother figures in my life. She's basically the only one.

After some silence I spoke up. "I don't like how that ended, let's pretend that never happened."

"Life doesn't work that way." Dad glanced back. "It does now." I shot back.

                             •   •   •

We pulled up to a small house. Natasha gently helped me out. Not letting my leg touch the ground.

Dad knocked on the door of the house. After a few seconds the door opened to reveal Sam Wilson. "Hey, man."

"I'm sorry about this. We need a place to lay low." He said quietly. We were covered in dirt. Looking like we worked in coal mines.

"Everyone we know is trying to kill us." Nat was holding me up. Sam paused a moment before replying. "Not everyone." He fully let us enter.

                            •   •   •

I sat on the counter, Sam offered to help with my leg because he knew medical stuff better or something, I don't know.

"Well it's not broken." He turned and pulled out some bandages that you would get from the store. "You definitely lost a good amount of blood. You should be fine because you know..Superness, whatever you call it."

"Super soldier serum." I corrected. "And thank you." He finished wrapping my leg and helped me down.

There's a dull pain in my leg but now that's it has been cleaned, medicated and wrapped it doesn't hurt as much. "Want to help me make breakfast?" Sam pulled out a pan.

"Sure, just warning you I barely cook." I picked up some bread to put in the toaster.

"In that case, let me go get some armor." He joked.

I rolled my eyes and pressed the button for the toast. "I should get this dirt off my face." I limped to where Nat and Dad were in a bedroom.

"Well, I guess I just like to know who I'm fighting." Dad was talking to nat.

Natasha stood up to tried and help me. "No, I can walk." I don't want to be babied. I walked into the bathroom and grabbed a wash cloth.

After my face was clean, my hair that is naturally blonde had so much dirt in it that I looked like I had brown hair.

I bent down and washed the nasty out of my hair and patted it to stop the dripping but I'll let it air dry.

I opened my backpack but on normal clothes but I couldn't get my shoes and bottoms off without hurting my leg.

I sighed and yelled. "Nat! Could you help me?" After a few seconds she opened the door and started helped me.

I hate asking for help. I looked at the dirt ripped pink skirt. "I hated that skirt anyway." I huffed. Natasha finished helping me and tied my shoes. "Hazel, it's okay to ask for help, you don't have to pretend to be alright all the time." She was still kneeled down. "Hazel. Something is wrong, you can tell me." She put her hand on my hand.

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