eleven - true colors

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I was just forced to see endgame for the forth time. Don't get me wrong, I love it but I'm sick of crying.

Steve's POV

I stood listening to the conversation about the Helicarriers. But my mind was focused on Hazel. Who knows what they could do and I'm not there to protect her.

My child is in the hands of the enemy. She may be strong but there's no way she can escape as many agents that HYDRA has. They could do to her what they did to Bucky, and I can't do a thing.

If it wasn't for Hazel I would probably only care about being a solider. If I lose her I don't know what I'll do.

• • •

Hazel's POV

My eyes opened. I was laying in a dirty cell that had rusty bars and a uncomfortable bed.

I pulled myself up and walked to the bars, spotting an HYDRA agent beside it, guarding me.

I refuse to give into panic and fear. I won't let them see me cry, I trust Dad, Nat, And Sam. I know I'll be okay.

I kicked the bars, making the agent look at me. "Seriously? A cell?" The cell was nasty, like anything can hold bacteria you know.

He stayed silent to towards me but spoke into his coms. "Rogers is awake."

"Yeah I'm awake and I'm really hungry so could I have a cinnamon roll?" I am freaking out on the inside but I'm not showing them an ounce of fear.

Of course this agent must be deaf. I walked back and sat on the bed.

I wonder how my dad feels right now?

I wasn't worried about myself, they took Dad, Nat, and Sam to another area. I mean I could have it worse. I could be tortured like in movies.

I heard a creak and looked up, Pierce stood there with two agents behind him. I would snap his neck but I don't know how.

"Nice to see you awake." He walked to a nearby table and poured a cup of water for himself.

"I hope you choke to death on that water." I refuse to take any lies from him.

"You definitely don't get the sarcasm and sass trait from your father." He took a sip.

Has this guy met him? I mean Dad isn't as bad as Tony but he has his sassy moments. "You definitely get your looks from Donald Trump." I shot back.

I narrowed his eyes at my response. "If you're done being an annoying, meddling teenager then let's talk." He pulled a chair from in the corner and pulled closer to where I was sitting.

"I do wish I didn't have to involve you in this, Steve should have kept you at home. Protected like any normal parent would."

"Oh shut it, he's not a normal parent just like I'm not a normal kid, you're pissed because I'm not talking your bullshit." I stood up

"So go ahead, try and break me because every bone you break of mine is a bone broken for you. You think They're gonna back down? Give up?" I didn't hold back anything.

"Two of them are avengers, they saved the world from other worldly magic and weapons that are far more powerful then yours."

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