eight - chaos

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Me and Steve took a couple of turns and came to a part of the hellicarrier where they kept stuff from the base in Mexico.

"Looking for a weapon?" I asked.

"Anything to do with that cube." We came to a thick iron door.

Steve, with all his might, tried to open the door.
"Been awhile?" I giggle. "Nope, it's just really thick iron." He tried not to smile.

"Okay, I'll help you then." I put my hands on the door. "I doubt that will help." He didn't know about my 'super strength' that the serum from him gave me. "Just try." I closed my eyes. It's been awhile for me definitely.

Me and Steve slid the heavy iron door slowly open. "I should have stretched first." I rubbed my arm.

"How did you open it so easily?" He whispered. "Oh I have super strength among other things." I couldn't lie, and quite a few hero's have super strength so he can't possibly piece it together.

"How did you get it." He spoke in a hushed voice. "I was born with it." I whispered back.
He just nodded at me and stealthily walked in and I did the same behind him.

Secure storage 10-C was a large warehouse, filled with metal crates stacked. "Very quiet in here." I looked around.

Steve looks up, seeing another level. "I'm jumping up there. You can wait here." He leaped up high and grabbed the catwalk railing and pulled himself over.

"No, I'm able to." I walked back and did the same thing he did. "I have good agilely."

He chuckled and continued to move forward with me following close behind.

"Do you know where you get it from?" He looked around for whatever he was looking for.

"My father I think." I opened a random crate and saw nothing useful.

"You're a smart kid, your father would be proud." He moves to the crates in the corner.

I smiled so hard, he literally has no idea. My smile dropped. How long will this charade go on for?

Steve opened a steel crate. Angry, he looked at me and back at the crate.

"What?" I walked up to what he was looking at. Of course, guns made for the tesseract. Does this man ever stop? I cross my arms. "He really went this far huh." I look in the crates next to him. "These are all full as well."

Steve grabbed a gun and put his hand on my shoulder. "Come on."

I shut the crate I was looking into and followed him. "You're not gonna shoot anyone with it right?" I chuckle.

"No, of course not. It wouldn't work anyway." He handed me the gun and jumped down.

"So you did think about it." I threw the gun to him and he caught it.

"No I didn't." He put the gun under his arm and waited for me to jump down.

I backed up and jumped over, of course I landed. "You face has it written all over." I snicker. I could read him well. The way he emotions showed on his face were similar to mine. Heck I bet even Peggy could read him well.

He rolled his eyes. "Keep rolling your eyes and they'll end up in the back of your head." I shook my head and laughed. I have some unused sass from the 1940s.

We entered the busy hallway and walked back to the lab.

Steve dropped the hydra assault rifle on the table causing Fury, Banner and Tony to turn around. Steve was pissed.

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