eleven - here comes the war

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Keeping up with Steve was easy, as we walked Steve put his his helmet on. I don't have a suit or crazy armor, I just got my jacket.

Me and Steve entered one of the small rooms and Natasha stood up from where she was sitting. "Time to go."

"Go where?" Natasha questioned. "I'll tell you on the way. Can you fly one of those jets?" Steve asked.

Barton entered from the restroom, drying his hands. "I can." Barton paused and looked at me. "Hey kid." He had a fatherly tone in his voice. "Hey, you feeling better?" I asked referring to the mind control.


"Got my own mind back so yeah, I'm better." Barton put his towel down. Steve looked at Natasha, who nodded. "Got a suit?"

"Yeah." Barton replied. "Then suit up." Steve replied and motioned for me to follow him.

Man, He moves too much. We walked towards the entrance to the outside. Cap strapped his shield onto his back. "Hazel, catch." He threw a earpiece to me. "Thanks." I moved my braid and put it in my ear. "Stay close, no matter what." He spoke like a father should. This is gonna be hard to get used to.

Barton and Natasha walked up, Steve nodded to them and started walking.

Barton and Natasha and me walked side-by-side behind Dad, who is leading us through the lower hangar bay. We're all ready to kick butt.

Cap, Barton, Me, and Natasha walked onto the jet. I took out the black leather gloves that were in my jacket pocket and put them on. "Hey, you guys aren't authorized to be in here." An agent yelled at us.

"Son, just don't!" Steve sassed and the agent walked off. Natasha and Barton took their seats while Me and Steve stood, I didn't feel like sitting.

Iron man appeared in front of us and we took off, speeding towards New York.

                             •   •   •

The quinjet flew toward Stark Tower, which is beaming a blue stream to the sky. "Holy shit, is that the Tesseract?" I looked out the window. Steve gave me a look when I said shit. I'm not apologizing, I don't care.

"Stark, we're on a three heading north east." Natasha spoke to Tony through her earpiece.

I looked out the window and saw Tony in his iron man suit, flying everywhere trying to take down some of the Chitauri "What, did you stop for drive-thru? Swing that park, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you." Tony said in our coms.

Barton and Natasha are piloting the plane. They released the canon gun. Iron Man flew past us at high-speed and Natasha and Barton released continuous fire at the troop of Chitauri in front of us. Barton steered through the smoke and up to Stark Tower.

I looked out the window. Civilians were running everywhere and the streets were all trashed, rubble was everywhere, cars were overturned, glass everywhere from the windows. This isn't the New York I saw last.

The quinjet came around a building, blasting the army who were firing at us. One of the wings was grazed by Chitauri gunfire. We slowed as we came towards Stark tower. It did look weird, not like the buildings I saw In my time.

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