six - being tested

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I want to wish you all a Merry Christmas! So here is a Christmas update 💓

Hazel's POV

I went to the rest of my classes. The only classes I like are history and art.

I didn't mind my security guard Sarah. When I was in class she stood outside by the door, when I was at lunch she sat on the other side keeping watch for who knows what.

I don't get this 'safety' thing. No other normal children have security. How does Peggy even pay for this?

I walked down the hall to the library. I didn't see Sarah anywhere so maybe she left.

I heard someone pleading and saying 'stop' so of course I looked inside to see two boys and a girl messing with Barry.


"Hey! Leave him alone!" I walked in, ready to defend him.

"Oh is that your girlfriend?" One of the boys pushed Barry against the wall.

"What no! He's my friend and you are hurting my friend, let him go." I slowly walked up to them.

"We got a princess on our hands, but this princess is a orphan." The girl said.

"Don't call me an orphan. I have a mother and she will kick your ass." I crossed my arms.

"I sure don't see her" he pretended to look for her.

"Let him go or you will regret it!" I balled my fists.

"Aw little orphan wants to fight" he talked in a high voice.

"Don't push me." I felt my anger boiling over.

He pushed me to the floor and all three of them laughed.

"You had to push me" I stood up and punched one of them right in the nose.

"Dude." he stumbled back but his friend caught him. "She broke my nose." he started touching the bottom of his nose and it started bleeding pretty badly.

"I told you not to push me." I helped Barry up, grabbed his wrist and ran straight for the library.

"THAT WAS AWESOME!" He laughed "how did you do that?"

"Um i didn't mean to break his nose but whatever" I shrugged and put my bag down at one of the tables in the library.

                                •   •   •

After we studied and he helped me out, we both parted ways but not before the principal found me and took me to his office.

Peggy was sitting down and I knew what was going to happen.

"Hi...Peggy" I smiled at her hoping to not make her angry.

"Take a seat Hazel." He pointed to the chair.

I took the seat "Am I here because I punched a kid?" I folded my hands on my lap.

"Yes....Explain yourself" Helooked at me with his eyebrows raised.

"Well, I walked in to see the two boys and a girl pushing around Barry and he kept telling them to stop. so I stood up and asked them to leave him alone but they didn't listen and then started picking on me and saying I was a orphan and that I have no one and he pushed me on the ground so I punched one of them in the nose and........broke it" I said super quickly.

"Technically that's self defense" I added.

Peggy looked less angry at me now so I felt more comfortable.

"I'm taking Hazel home, no need to punish her." Peggy stood up and took my hand.

"Miss Carte-" the principal stood up.

"It was self defense and she stood up for herself and her friend, come on Hazel"

"All right." He sat back down.

Whoah he just listened and sat back down.

"Come along Hazel" we pulled me along through the hall and to the car.

As soon as we got in she turn around and looked at me.

"What of 'be gentle' do you not understand." She gave me a scary look.

"I didn't mean to break his nose! I-"

"Hazel Grace Carter!" She stopped me "I am disappointed in you." She turned back to her steering wheel.

That's worse then being grounded.

I sighed and buckled myself in and Peggy started driving.

                              •  •  •

Peggy kept driving for awhile and missed the turn for our street.

"Peggy where are we going?" I was super confused.

"You'll see" she said softly.

This is it, she's taking me back.

Less then 3 minutes later we pulled up to a boxing place.

"What are we doing here?" I unbuckled my seat.

"You need to be trained, you have too much strength and no control" she got out and walked up.

I followed her inside, there wasn't anyone here beside a man punching a bag in the back.

"Mr. Colin" she said smiling at him.

"Ah Peggy, how many times have I said just call me Colin." He smiled at her and unwrapped the band around his hands.

"Okay Colin. I brought Hazel, she needs a little help controlling herself" Peggy gently pushed me towards him.

"Hello Miss Hazel." He smiled at me.

"Hi Mr. Colin." I nodded at him.

"Stay right here and I'll be back with some bands for you hands" he walked away and into a back room.

I looked around, I saw boxing rings, punching bags hanging everywhere and chairs placed around the place.

He came back with the bands. "Let me see your hands" he put his hand out.

I lifted both of my hands up and he started wrapping them.

"So your strong huh?" He said not looking at me.

"Yep, too strong, I broke a boy's nose." I laughed.

"Well that's no good." He finished wrapping them, walked over to a bag and held it from behind.

"Punch it."

"Punch it?" I looked at him.

"Yes Punch it!"

I pulled my arm back and punched it and him stumbling back a little.

"Too hard?" I laughed

"Maybe you should punch a little lighter and put your thumb in a comfortable place." He held the bag again.

"Okay..." I punched again and this time he didn't stumble.

"That was good, again" he smiled at me.

• • •
??? POV

"Rogers is getting stronger."

Two people stood on a roof watching Hazel and Colin training.

"But she's not the right age."


"She'll be alone eventually.

Frozen In Time | H. Rogers ✓Where stories live. Discover now