thirteen - one way trip

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I ran up to where Natasha was to see her going to town as she fought a chitauri. She was thrown upon one of the cars. As the chitauri was about to attack, Natasha used her Widow's Bite on the chitauri shocking him out.

"Nice job!" I ran up and knocked one over the bridge. She grabbed the Chitauri gun and shot one back. I see something landing behind her so I picked up and gun and aimed BUT it's Steve. Natasha stood down and leaned against a car.

"Captain, none of this is gonna mean a damn thing if we don't close that portal." Natasha was heavily breathing. "Our biggest guns couldn't touch it." Steve replied. "Well, maybe it's not about guns." Natasha looked up at the tower.

While they were talking I pushed a couple of chitauri off the bridge. No big deal, I'm a badass now.

"You wanna get up there, you're gonna need a ride." I said and looked back.

Natasha glanced up, seeing the Chitauri crafts flying past. She made her way over to the other side of the overpass. "I got a ride. I could use a boost though." Oh she's serious. I walked up to where they both were. "You sure about this?" Steve asked as He readied his shield. "Yeah, it's gonna be fun!" Natasha said sarcastically.

Natasha ran at Steve, he used his shield to boost her up. She grabbed on to a passing Chitauri vehicle. Me and Steve looked up as she flew off in the distance.

I looked to my right and there were more chitauri coming. "Fantastic! They just can't get enough defeat." I exclaimed. Steve just sighed and ran at the chitauri that were coming. "I guess I'll do the same." I huffed and ran after him.

Tony took a turn above us, coming up on the overpass, where he knocks Chitauri aliens
over and landed by Steve, who was fighting and kicking Chitauri. Steve lifted his shield. Tony reflected a repulsor blast off the shield, taking out the surrounding warriors. He then flew up the side of a building, hitting more warriors. "This is insane!" I yelled and kicked a chitauri in the throat. Steve was being himself and taking down every chitauri in one or two hits. It takes effort for me to even harm one. I'm so tired.

Army Tanks, and soldiers began to arrive on scene. They shot at the Chitauri, a little amazed of what is going on.

I was jabbed in the arm while I was looking at the soldiers, I let out a yelp and turned around. "That's not nice!" I moved my other arm to swing at him but he blocked it and pushed me down. "Jokes on you" I sweeped his leg. "I saw karate kid." I lifted my leg again and slammed him in the head.

I got up and took a second to breathe. I have so many wounds. I'm surprised I haven't died yet.

I look to my left to see Steve on the ground, holding off a Chitauri's weapon. He pushed the warrior off and onto sharp debris. As he stands-

"Captain, the bank on 42nd, past Madison. They cornered a lot of civilians in there." Clint spoke in our ears. "I'm on it." Steve started running towards the bank and I followed.

"I'll go up, stay down here and take care of any incoming aliens. Help people out." Steve ordered me. I decided to listen and get behind a wall to wait for the people to come out.

In the bank, Steve jumped through a window and began to fight. He snapped the neck of one and threw it into the pit. The crowd moved away and I watched.

I heard chittering noises coming from up where Steve was, behind him. I ran up and pushed them down before they could stab Steve. I should really have a gun or something, all I have is my fists. "Everyone clear out!" Steve yelled and the people started running. "Behind you!" I yelled and kicked a chitauri in the mouth.

Steve was then grabbed by the chitauri, it ripped his mask off. Steve fought and broke free. A grenade-like device started beeping. "Oh shoo-" It blasted me and Steve out of the bank. He landed on a car while I landed on the hard concrete ground. "Nothing broken yet." I groaned. Steve got up and helped me to my feet. "I thought I said stay down." He stated. "I did but a chitauri was behind you, you would have been stabbed." I replied. "Good eye." Steve acknowledged. Then Steve and me stood silently while police lead the civilians from the building. A girl started staring at Steve intensely. I just turned my face because I didn't have a mask or anything, I'm not an avenger. just the daughter of one who's way in over her head.

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