two - fear not freedom

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As I stood at my locker, kids were running around everywhere.

School hasn't changed much, just how they teach kids. I didn't have as many subjects as I did in the 1940's

Everyone had their cliques, I didn't involve myself in any clubs or anything. I don't have to be social. I'm just here for my education.

The bell rang and I grabbed my bag, shut my locker and ran to my class.

We had a new math teacher named Wendy. I walked in where kids were playing around, throwing papers and getting seated.

"Hello children, my name is Mrs. Wendy." She called out. Technically we're not children, we are pre teens and early teenagers but okay. I took my seat and pulled out my math book.

My math book looks a little junky from me throwing it on the floor and hitting it on the walls. You'll never understand how hard it is to sit at the dinner table trying to have a 90 year old man who's my dad that doesn't know what today's math is try to help you.

If she's a bad teacher I'm going to flunk this class. I looked at Mrs. Wendy, she kept glancing at me.

"Okay I'm going to write some problems on the board, take notes please." She spoke out to us all and turned to the chalkboard. I sighed and started writing.

• • •

After a few classes I walked into the cafeteria. My school has disgusting food so I always bring food from home.

I took out my plain green lunch-bag and pulled out a sandwich. "Hey Haz." Clara sat down across from me also pulling out her lunch from home. She's a vegetarian because it's healthier apparently, you eat what you want but I'll stick to my turkey sandwiches.

"That new teacher gave me a bad vibe." I took a bite out of my sandwich. "I don't know, she seemed old fashioned and she got a few math problems wrong. I think she's too old." Clara replied and ate some of her carrots.

Wendy....Now I remember. I had a bully named Wendy at my old school, maybe it's the same woman, she looks the right age. I'm supposed to look like her but I went under ice. Maybe she stopped being a bully and grew up.

I chucked to myself, thinking about how she claimed to be my father's daughter. Well look at me now.

"What are you laughing at?" She broke me out of my thoughts. "Oh, thinking about a joke that my dad told me." I lied. The world knows that Captain America has a child from the New York war but they didn't get my face that well. My identity is still a secret.

I took the last bite of my sandwich and got up to throw the trash away. "Hey princess why don't you sit with us." Someone called out. I looked over to see the boys at the jock table along with some cheerleaders. "Not interested." I replied and started walking back.

I felt someone grab my wrist. "Hey, you're pretty, and I've seen you during PE, why don't you join the cheer team, we can all hang out." One of the football dudes spoke. "Okay listen, I don't have time to hang around fake jocks and prissy cheerleaders, I said I wasn't interested, I'm here for my education not for a fake friend group, I have better things to do so leave me alone or I shove my foot down your throat." I smiled. he let go of my arm and I walked away.

Clara sat at the table with her mouth open. "What, I hate fake people." I sat down and closed my lunch box."

"You're a badass."

"I know."

• • •

I was walking to my bus with Clara when I felt a vibration in my bag. I pulled out the phone that I never use, to see a text message from dad.

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