three - so long

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After dad changed Into normal clothing we didn't go home. He wanted to stop by somewhere.

We walked into to a museum, it had some cool things. I could come here for research if I needed it. Dad kept walking, upon further approach. He walked into an exhibit about 'Captain America' he has his own exhibit, what a legend I chuckled to myself.

He had a cap on so he looked more hidden, since no one knew me I wore my regular clothing. People were walking everywhere.

I read some of the writings but I mostly knew everything. "A symbol to the nation. A hero to the world. The story of Captain America is one of honor, bravery and sacrifice." A narrator spoke over the area where we stood. Dad, keeping his face hidden under a baseball cap, walked over to the area where it said stuff about his more skinnier life.

Would I have been born if he never did the experiment?

"Denied enlistment due to poor health, Steven Rogers was chosen for a program unique in the annals of American warfare. One that would transform him into the world's first super soldier." The narrator kept speaking. I guess that's makes me the world's second super soldier. I remember dad staying about how the guy who picked him was shot after his transformation. I would have loved to meet him.

"Welcome to the Smithsonian. Visitor information booths are available on the second level." A woman said over PA, I'm sure eventually I'll be forced here on a field trip with my school.

I turned and looked at a younger boy. He was staring at Dad intensely. He definitely recognizes him. Dad smiled and put his finger against his mouth, indicating for the boy to keep quiet and the boy nodded. I walked away and around the corner but bumped into someone.

"Oh excuse me-" I started to say but realized it was Clara. "Oh hey, what are you doing here?" I asked. "Oh I'm here for notes, I need to pass that test on the 1940s, some of the test is about Captain America." She picked up her notebook.

"Oh, I forgot, when's the test?" Oh doggy dang, I probably don't need to study but oh well. "Tomorrow, they still don't have everything here, I wish I could ask him all these questions but who knows where he is." Clara continued to ramble. "Well I could email him." I rocked on my heels and looked to my side seeing dad looking at some old videos of himself. "How do you email him?" She stared at me.

"Oh he has a fan mail." I put my lips into a thin line. "Well I'll text you if he replies and uh, see you tomorrow..." I smiled and waved. "Okay, bye hazel." She walked off.

I walked up to dad. "Do you have a fan mail?" I asked. He blinked "What's that?" He didn't take his eyes off the old films. "Something stupid." I replied. "In this rare footage, everyone's favorite warrior, Captain America..." The tv dude spoke but I walked over to some mannequin stands that had the suits of the squad that dad was with. "Battle tested, Captain America and his Howling Commandos quickly earned their stripes. Their mission, taking down HYDRA, the Nazi rogue science division." I grew up after the war was over so I didn't worry about Nazi's or Hydra. Hydra is dead now.

I walked over to a corner. A picture of James was there. I never gave him much thought after I woke up, he's probably dead now. Whatever trance he was under when he threw me over was not him. Those scientists did something.

"Best friends since childhood, Bucky Barnes and Steven Rogers were inseparable on both schoolyard and battlefield. Barnes is the only Howling Commando to give his life in service of his country." Another PA talked. I sighed, I never told anyone about Bucky. I'm definitely not going to tell dad, It would break his heart.

I looked around but didn't spot dad anywhere. Normally he always keeps his eye on me so this is weird. I wandered around until I came up to a small room that was playing a video, I walked in and the screen cut to Peggy.

I paused and listened intensely to what she was saying. "That was a difficult winter. A blizzard had trapped half our battalion behind the German line. Steve...Captain Rogers, he fought his way through a HYDRA blockade that had pinned our allies down for months. He saved over a thousand men, including the man who would...who would become my husband as it turned out. Even after he died, Steve was still changing my life. I had a daughter named hazel early on...I wish he was here to meet her." She spoke with that voice I missed so dearly.

I felt a tear roll down my cheek, the worst of all this, she never knew what happened. I just disappeared....I never got to say goodbye.

I saw dad sitting down look at his compass that held a picture of Peggy. He stood up and turned to me. I wiped the tears off my cheeks and smiled. "Ready to go?" He put his hand on my shoulder. "Yeah, I have a test to not study." I replied. He shook his head "We're not going home yet." He motioned and started walking, I walked beside him. "Where are we going?" I asked.

"You'll see."

• • •

We wandered through and older building that looked like a hospital but I didn't catch the name.

I just followed and he opened a door to someone's room. I awkwardly stayed back but he walked around some curtains and said hey.

"You're alive! came, you came back." I heard an older voice of a woman say.

"Yeah, Peggy." Dad spoke. My breathing hitched and I walked around, seeing a very old Peggy laying in a bed.

I couldn't speak. Peggy turned and looked at me, her eyes widened "Ha-Hazel?"

I could fell the tears welling in my eyes. She's alive? I choked back a sob and walked to the bed. "Peggy." I took a seat on the other side.

She reached out her hand and touched my cheek. "My little girl." She began to cry.

I closed my eyes, letting my tears fall. This is all I wanted, to be safe in Peggy's arms. She raised me, made me who I am, taught me to never quit.

"I never meant to disappear.." I said with a stuffy voice. "I should have stayed, where you told me to."

"Hazel, what's done is done, you're alive. That's what matters. And look at you, you've grown into a lovely young lady." She spoke with pride.

I smiled. "I missed you." I could barely speak. She turned at looked at dad. He didn't interrupt us. "You should be proud of yourself, Peggy." Steve said looking at the many pictures of her husband and children, there was also a photo of me when I was around seven.

"Mm. I have lived a life. My only regret is that you didn't get to live yours." Peggy replied. Dad had a sad look. "What is it?" She looked at dad.

"For as long as I can remember I just wanted to do what was right. I guess I'm not quite sure what that is anymore. And I thought I could throw myself back in and follow orders, serve. It's just not the same." Dad explained. Peggy chuckled. "You're always so dramatic. Look, you saved the world. We rather...mucked it up

"You didn't. Knowing that you helped found SHIELD is half the reason I stay." Dad looked Down and Peggy took his hand. "Hey. The world has changed and none of us can go back. All we can do is our best, and sometimes the best that we can do is to start over." Peggy smiled and looked to her side table. "Hand me that bear." She asked dad.

No way. Steve handed Peggy the teddy bear. Peggy then handed it to me. "I remember you being very fond of that bear." I smiled and touched the softness of it.

This bear has stuck with me my whole childhood, "I remember when I swallowed one of his button eyes and you had to take me to the hospital, fun times." I lightly laughed. Peggy and Dad also laughed.

Peggy started to cough, Dad turned to get her some water and went to hand it to her. "Peggy."

Suddenly Peggy looked at Dad like she's seen him for the first time since he was frozen. "Steve?"

"Yeah." Dad smiled, pretending to just see her I looked down at my bear, she must forget things after awhile.

"You're alive! came, you came back." She began to cry. "It's been so long. So long."

"Well, I couldn't leave my best girl. Not when she owes me a dance."

(A/N: man this killed me, am I the only one who cries while writing?)

Frozen In Time | H. Rogers ✓Where stories live. Discover now