five - excuse me?

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I'm so depressed after endgame I'm literally forcing myself to update. I might take a break due to the emotional pain that the movie inflicted.

I stood outside the room that Nat, Dad and Maria were in to look at Fury's body. I couldn't take it so I sat outside on the floor as I was told.

I stared at the wall, having no emotion in my stare. Is it bad I'm used to losing people? It seems to have become normal for me. But Fury?

He was the one who was there. The first person that calmed me when I woke up, when I was freaking out and he kneeled down, breaking it to me slowly.

Nowhere is safe, not even my own home which was the place Fury got shot in. We'll probably get a new home after this.

I looked down at my shirt that had blood on it, I don't have a change of clothes so I'm suck in this. I pulled my knees to my chest. I wish I wasn't a huge baby, I'm stronger then this. But right now I don't want to be. I want the childhood that was stolen from me.

Okay enough moping. I sniffed but the door next to me bursted open. Natasha walking and Steve was following behind "Natasha!"

I quickly stood up. "Why was Fury in your apartment?" She turned around asking. I looked away, I can't say anything, he said shield was compromised and I can't trust anyone. I know I can trust Natasha but ears ARE everywhere.

"I don't know." Dad replied, Natasha looked over to me, clearly seeing right through the lie. She can read me like a book as well as Peggy did. Whenever I lied Peggy knew.

"Cap, they want you both at SHIELD." Rumlow raised his voice motioning to me and him. I raised my eyebrows, why do they want me?

"Yeah, give me a second." He replied. "They want you now." Rumlow replied. Something about him is off. I just don't like most people so it's probably just me.

"Okay." Dad nodded and turned back to Natasha. "You're a terrible liar." she turned and walked off. She's not wrong. I rocked on my heels.

Dad paused and looked at the vending machine. He glanced around and broke it open. I stood there with my mouth hanging open. Is he gonna steal candy?

He took out the flash drive and placed it behind the many sticks of bubble gum. I furrowed my eyebrows. Makes sense, no one would look there.

He shut the door to the machine and he walked towards Rumlow. "Let's go."

                             •   •   •

We walked through the main area to go up the elevators but Dad turned and stopped me. "I want you to stay here."

I began to protest when Rumlow interrupted. "Rogers she has to be questioned too." I crossed my arms, I'm not saying shit.

"Well, I'm her biological and legal father, I say no." Dad implied. I mean technically he has that right but I'm not complaining.

Rumlow shrugged and kept walking. "I'll be right back." Dad patted my shoulder and turned to follow everyone.

I huffed, awkwardly shuffling around. I hate being alone around nobody I know. I wish I was in school now. I rather be forced to do work then stand here doing nothing. Plus I never replied to Clara about that email. Hm maybe I can fake one? How hard can it be?

I shook my head, no no that might give her clues about who I am. Like why would a totally ordinary girl have Captain America's email. Does he even have one?

                               •   •   •

I glanced around me, for a wide space people were standing too close for comfort. But they looked like normal agents so It's just my brain.

I looked down to my nails, I chewed them again, Seeing them super short. I really need to get this under control, maybe lemon juice or something would make my fingers taste bad so I won't chew them.

I hear a zap sound beside me, I turned and a female agent was in my personal space bubble. "Can I help you?" I raised my eyebrow and turned to her. She nodded. "Yes Miss Rogers could you come with us?" She smiled so fake like. I can see right through her.

"Sorry, my father told me to stay here." I smiled back and looked away. Like hell I'll follow a random stranger. The last time I didn't stay put I was kidnapped. I learned my lesson.

She suddenly grabbed my wrist and put some heavy iron like thing on. "Miss Rogers we weren't asking." I turned and death stared her down. Looking up slightly because I was short.

"Excuse me?" I parted my mouth in shock. Another hand grabbed my other wrist but I pulled my arm back and punched the guy in the throat.

"Really? Random humans try to take down a 13 year old?" I scoff, trying to pull off the iron thing on my wrist when a sharp electrical pain ran up my backside and I fell to the ground.

I inhaled. "I tried to warn you." I glanced up for a second. They all stood there, waiting for my next move.

Now there's only four of them, I got this. I drew my left leg back and with a good amount of my strength I hit the one that had the electrical weapon in the knee, hearing it snap and he fell back in pain.

I stood up, ready for anything but the female grabbed my neck and I kneed her in her stomach and kicked her in the chin, knocking her out.

I learned the weak spots and with my strength it's not that hard to take down a couple people.

Other agents and people were scattered around all watching me go against these people. "Rogers is hostile, resisting arrest." The third male speaks into his radio but I grabbed it and broke it in half, just when I was about to attempt to knock him out I feel the same electrical pain in my shoulder, I scream loudly and moved my hands to grab the person behind me, using all my might to fling him over me on the ground. I stomp my foot right in his groin.

I wheezed in pain and turned back to the third guy. He looked terrified. "Boo." I whisper and he flinches. I kick my leg up and hit his head also making him pass out. The other two that I didn't knock out were whimpering in pain.

I grunt and put my hands on my side where the electric weapon got me. That's gonna leave a good burn.

I see a fast moving motion in the top corner of my eye, I glanced up and a elevator is speeding down.

Please tell me that's not him....

I like the idea of putting funny memes at the end of every chapter so here ya go.

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Frozen In Time | H. Rogers ✓Where stories live. Discover now