4 - The Tower

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The girl trusted her instincts and jumped from the side of the platform. Darkness surrounded her but suddenly she was heading up again. She landed lightly on another identical platform. Cautiously she moved outside. Once there she glanced around. This was the mountain sector. Suddenly she felt pulses leading away from the tower. Her instincts told her to follow them.

She crept forward following them away from the safety of the tower. They got stronger the farther she went. At a large boulder she paused. Cautiously she peaked her head around taking in the sight before her. A tower stood in the distance but instead of the pure white glow it was dark red. Multiple blocks and small monsters roamed around the tower. They appeared to be guarding it.

Suddenly she felt a pain in her shoulder. She cried out and jumped around. Standing only feet away from her was one of the small monsters. She ran away from it as it prepared to fire again. She zig zagged dodging the blasts as it chased her. She almost cried in relief when she saw the tower in the distance. Running as fast as she could she ran into the tower collapsing on the platform. Quickly she pressed in the center circle of the platform pulling up the panel she used before. She tried to connect to Victor again. He answered almost immediately.

"Are you okay? It shows that you lost life points," Victor asked her urgently. They had just arrived at the factory when he got the alert. The others were already heading down to the scanners. Mr. B was with him though keeping in touch with the others at the school. Apparently things weren't going so great over there.

"There's a tower, something is wrong with it. I think VOLTO is using it. There are monsters guarding the area," she told him slightly out of breath.

"You should have waited for us," he told her frustrated that she had gotten hurt. "I'm sending in North and Silas now. I'll try to send them close to your signal." She nodded her understanding before breaking the connection. Owen was slightly impressed with the girl. She seemed to be a lot more than the programmed avatar the others made her out to be.

"Scanning North, transfer North. Scanning Silas, transfer Silas. Virtualization," Victor said pressing the final key.

North appeared high in the sky over what appeared to be rock path. He dropped down landing in a crouch. Glancing around he saw Silas had landed the same way not too far from him. He looked around the world but could only see different formations of rock and stone paths going away from them in every direction. He turned back to Silas who was headed straight for him and almost laughed. It was like the Greek had picked this outfit himself.

His chest was bare except for a brown strap stretching from under his arm to over his opposite shoulder. His dark blue pants were loose and attached to his back was the biggest blade North had ever seen. North looked down at his own get up. He was in all black. The material hung off of his shoulders and draped around his neck but was tight around his chest. A massive belt looking thing attached his weapon. He grabbed the silver object. It looked like a small sickle attached to a long silver chain. He could work with this.

"Where is aggele mou?" Silas asked once he got to him. North shrugged looking around. He didn't see anything that looked remotely like a 'tower'.

"You need to head to your left. I sent you as close as I could. She is heading in your direction so you should see her soon," Victor told them. They headed in the direction he said and soon enough they saw a small blonde girl heading straight for them. She stopped a few feet away.

"Hi," she said to them shyly. "The activated tower is that way." She pointed to the right towards a skinnier path.

"Activated?" he asked her as they moved towards the path.

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