9 - Training and Doubts

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Sang POV

She watched as the boys sparred. They'd been training for a while now. Each one was becoming very proficient in their given weapon. Sang was happy for them but she couldn't help but feel useless. She didn't have a weapon, therefore she couldn't train, and therefore she couldn't help in the event of an attack.

They had to break up into two shifts so that someone could operate the supercomputer from the outside. Owen, Sean, North, Nathan, and Gabriel were sparring now. Owen supervised as Sean and Gabriel and the North and Nathan went at it.

Sang wished they didn't have to fight each other. It was kind of hard to watch them attempt to hurt each other. She didn't want anyone to get hurt which is why she wouldn't say anything. This training would help protect them the next time VOLTO decided to attack.

After they are done, she gave them the same spiel as the first group. She explained everything she knew about Lyoko so far. They listened actively but Sang felt like she was repeating a lot of what they already knew. She talked about the four sectors, the monsters they had encountered so far. But Owen had told her to do this, so she would.

It wasn't long before they had to leave again, leaving Sang by herself again. She couldn't wait for the day that she could join them. She loved Lyoko. She really did but it was starting to feel like a prison the longer she was stuck in it.

She wanted to try food and watch movies with them and everything else they had told her about the real world. She wanted to go to a place where she was real. She wanted to feel real. The boys had been calling her less and less.

She tried to tell herself that they were probably just busy but a small voice told her they were getting tired of her. Worried she was losing her newness factor that was keeping the boys interested she wandered lost in her thoughts.

One of her biggest fears was that the boys would just give up. They would realize that she wasn't worth the fight that VOLTO was giving them. They would just turn the computer off shutting her away in perpetual darkness forever.

She couldn't blame them if they did. VOLTO was threatening not only them but their entire world. She was just one girl. Honestly, she probably wasn't worth the trouble. Feeling dejected, she headed into a nearby tower.

Sitting down on the floor she pulled up a panel. Maybe searching the web would cheer her up. It helped a little, the excitement of learning something new. But that voice didn't go away. It only became louder as her doubt grew.

The boys were feeling motivated

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The boys were feeling motivated. They needed to finish their mission at school so they could focus solely on Sang and Lyoko. That was what this family meeting was about. An update on their progress.

"Report," Mr. Blackbourne commanded once they were all present.

"It appears both Headmaster Hendricks and his assistance Headmaster McCoy are both in on it but we haven't been able to obtain solid proof against either of them," Kota stated looking to Victor who was typing away on his computer as always.

"They've skimming off the funds for the school for years. They've set up international accounts to keep it in but I have found them. I just haven't been able to tie it back to either of them yet."

"You've gotta admit. This seems like a breeze now compared to VOLTO," Luke joked causing all of them to crack up. Even Mr. B smirked slightly. In one way it was funny that their once hard mission is now easy to them but in another sense it just means they have something so much worse to deal with.

Thinking of Sang and VOLTO sobered the room quickly. They had to save her but VOLTO was dangerous. They never knew how it was going to attack or when that attack would be. They were not only risking their own lives but the lives of everyone in town if not the state.

As he brothers continued to chatting until the end of the meeting, Silas remained quiet leaning against the wall. In training today he noticed something. His aggele wasn't smiling that she usually was. She looked sad about something and Silas couldn't figure out what could be wrong.

That night, he waited until North was asleep and called Sang on his phone using Victor's app. She answered immediately smiling widely at him.

"Hi, Silas!" she said cheerfully but he could see some hesitation behind her words.

"Hello, aggele mou," he told her his voice low. North slept like the dead. It would take more than just talking to wake him up. "Aggele mou, what's wrong?" he asked getting right to the point.

She looked down not really wanting to talk about it. Glancing back up, the plea in his eyes caught her. She sighed before opening her mouth.

"I'm worried," she said quietly. He was confused, worried about what?

"What about, aggele?" he asked her. "About VOLTO?" She shook her head and sighed.

"I am worried about VOLTO but its more than that." He waited for her to continue. "I'm worried that I will never get out of here, that I'll be stuck in Lyoko forever. You guys will eventually grow up, graduate, and leave. I'm worried you guys will realize that fighting VOLTO is too much trouble for just me."

Her words came out rapidly but Silas managed to catch them all. He couldn't believe his ears. They would never do that to her.

"We will never leave you. You will get out of there, Aggele," he told her. "Victor is almost done with your code. Our team isn't complete without you now. We have never failed a mission before and none were as important as you."

His words soothed her heart and pushed the doubt down. She gave him a soft smile not knowing what to say.

"Shouldn't you be asleep?" she asked him changing the subject.

"I couldn't sleep with thinking of how sad you were today."

"Well, go to sleep. You'll be tired in the morning."

"Worth it," he told her smirking. "Good night."

"Good night." Silas settled back into bed content now that his Aggele wasn't hurting. Sang relaxed in her tower feeling better than she had in a while. She couldn't stop the smile from spreading across her face as she thought of his words. 

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