8 - Tower Deactivated

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The megatank finally halted a few yards away from the boys. Sang watched it with trepidation. Silas watched it as well but still went towards Luke's block in order to help out. Turning his back slightly, he readied his sword to strike at the now familiar symbol.

Suddenly the black sphere split in half each side extending away from the center to reveal a metal pole on the middle of which sat a familiar symbol. Sang watched as red flashes began concentrating on the center of the symbol. She didn't even have time to yell before a red wall was projected directing in front and behind the monster.

The red wall hit Silas in the back immediately devirtualizing him. Kota and Luke were stunned but they couldn't allow it to distract them. Now they were a man down. They had to take care of the blocks first and then they could take down this new monster together.

"If you guys could speed things up it would be appreciated," Victor's voice stated from the outside world.

"We're trying," Luke told him throwing yet another ninja star. Fortunately this one hit its mark. The block teetered and finally exploded disappearing into nothingness. He looked over just in time to see Kota finish off his block as well.

Seeing a red flash out of the corner of his eye, Kota immediately jumped and rolled away. Sang breathed a sigh of relief as Kota managed to dodge the tank's latest attack.

"What's wrong?" Kota asked loudly to Victor.

"We are having a bit of a pest problem," Victor stated sounding out of breath and farther away than usual. His words were vague but it was all the boys needed to realize that their family was in danger. They needed to get into that tower which meant stopping whatever this is.

Luke threw two ninja stars at it but all they did was bounce right off.

"This thing is definitely built like a tank," Luke stated. Kota had to agree with the statement. Surveying the field, he realized that Luke was on the tower side of the clearing with the tank in between the two boys.

"Luke, run for the tower," Kota told him. "I'll take care of the tank." Luke nodded immediately following his team lead's plan. He sprinted toward the tower as Kota distracted the tank. Sang felt like cheering as she watched Luke get closer and closer to the tower.

Kota readied another arrow as the tank concentrated its power again. Luke was steps away from the tower as the arrow was let loose flying the air. The red wall shot from the tank heading straight for Kota. His arrow flew straight but it bounced off of the protective shell of the tank as it closed. Kota didn't have time to dodge as the attack hit him.

He disappeared just as Luke reached the tower. But instead of entering the tower, he was bounced off rolling away on the ground. He couldn't enter the tower. His mind raced as he realized what that meant. Sang was the only one who could enter the activated towers. He glanced back at the boulder where he could just barely see her blonde hair peeking out from behind. He had to get her to the tower. It was all up to him now.

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