6 - Rats

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The next week passed in similar fashion. Sang was learning more and more about the 'real' world which was fine with her. She loved her daily conversations with Owen and Sean. They were always willing to answer any and all of her questions.

She was very much looking forward to the weekly team dinner tonight. She loved hanging out with all of the boys together. They always managed to make her smile and feel so included. This week it was apparently Victor, Kota, and Nathan's turn to cook.

Nathan told her at lunch that they were planning on making something called tacos. After they had to go back to class, she researched them. She thought they sounded interesting but nice and could

After her daily talk with the older two boys, she waited until they would contact her again. She really wanted to leave this tower but it was dangerous outside. Victor had discussed it with her. He didn't know what would happen if she ran out of life points. With them, they went back to their world but her code was corrupted. He theorized it was more likely that she would be erased, disappearing completely.

A call shook her out of her thoughts. It was Nathan. She answered it quickly.

"Nathan!" she greeted cheerfully. Nathan smiled back at her. Sang always seemed so happy whenever he or one of his brothers called her.

"Hey Sang," he replied. "We just got to the apartment and are about to start cooking."

He walked her through the steps they would be taking and then they were off. Kota made sure to prop her up where she could see everything happening. She would ask questions every now and then but mostly they just worked. It wasn't until they were almost done that Victor realized something.

"Where's the lettuce?" he asked looking around. The others paused and looked around as well.

"Crap," Kota muttered. Just then they heard the tale tell signs of some of their brothers rough housing in the other room.

"Lucian Taylor get down from there now!" North shouted in the other room. Only his brother would be reckless enough to attempt to swing from light fixture to light fixture.

"Luke, Gabe!" Kota shouted from the kitchen. Reluctantly Luke dropped from the light fixture and headed into the kitchen with his best friend.

"What is lettuce?" Sang asked from her perch. Victor ducked over by her to explain.

"We need you to run and get some lettuce," Nathan told the two. Luke immediately started to laugh out loud.

"You want me to get lettuce?!" Luke managed to force out between laughs. Gabriel sighed as he looked at his cackling best friend. Looking back to the others, he nodded at them before grabbing Luke's arm and forcefully dragging him out of the house.

"Come on, Fucker," Gabe muttered as they left the house. Luke sobered up quickly.

"Wait, I don't want to. It's against my religion," he shouted back at his friend trying to free his arm. Once they were a little ways away from the apartment, he finally stopped struggling resigned to his fate. North was probably behind this somehow.

Fortunately there was a corner market just a few streets over from the apartment. They walked in silence down the darkened street but neither one was worried. They were in a good area of town and even if they did get into some trouble they could take care of themselves. Plus, worst case scenario, back up wasn't that far away.

They quickly made their way into the store and purchased a couple of heads of lettuce. Gabriel took the bag as Luke raced out the doors ahead of him. He sighed speeding up slightly to catch up to his friend who was always on a sugar high.

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