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Soomin Pov
Hi! I'm soomin! I'm 16 years old and is part of a idol group called Wanna One. I now live in Seoul,South Korea and is going to my new high school.

         I have to wear a cover( or I'm forcing myself to) because I didn't at my old school and kept getting asked for selcas,photographs and more.

        I'm doing there right now. "Do I look like Crystal?"I asked for the hundredth time. "No" my manager says with a strong voice. "Go. We're here. By the way manager hyung is coming to pick you up later" jihoon says pushing me out of the car. "Fine bye" I say while waving. "Bye" jihoon says while closing the door.

        I walk in the gate and all I hear is nerd,jerk and so on. I walk in class and the teacher had to introduce me. "Class we have a new transfer student. Please introduce yourself." Mrs Park says. "Okay. Hello my name is Lee Soomin. Please treat me like how you treat everybody else" I say bowing.

        "Okay so you can sit next to Jungkook. Jungkook please raise your hand" Mrs Park says. He raises his hand and I walk over there.

         The class begins and I start to take notes. "Take my notes for me" Jungkook says throwing his notebook on my desk. I give it back to him and go on with the lesson.
Jungkook Pov
      She is so dead! Class ended and what I did first was grab her before she went out for lunch. "What mean by no" I say coldly. "I'm not doing it when you have arms and a brain" she says escaping from my grasp.

          I grab her again and said" Do it or else." "Or else what" she says leaving. Geez I never knew fights back. TBH the other girls would have done it.

        I go to meet up Bts in the cafeteria and I told them what happened. They see her and went.

      "Who are to say no to jungkook" Tae hyung says. "I don't know a human" she snap and continues to eat. Tae hyung threw a fist at her but she catches it quick. "Do it once more and you'll be receiving it." She says throwing tae's fist down. Dämn this girl. Tae dragged her out of cafeteria and started to fight her. "Okay you asked for it " she says holding his fist. She throws a fist at him and kicked him. She was finished and went out to go somewhere?

       "Hyung are you okay" I ask helping him up. "Follow her" Tae says. We run and see her. Tae was about to go to her until I stopped him cuz we heard singing. We look over and it was her!
        ~~~~~ skip to end of school~~~~~

        She went in her car and drove. 

Hey guys! How's your day been? Hope it's been well. I'm sorry it's a bit plain because I just started writing this.

         I started a draft and then wrote what came to mind.  I hope you enjoy it though. I'm here because I'm having a break time.

       And I'm asking if I should try and post everyday or have a specific schedule?



      Live your life,love your life,live it to the fullest
                    Celebrate life💞

High School Secret [Jungkook FF] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now