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Soomin Pov
Today was the day before graduations. We already took our finals and got the day off today. I went to go dye my hair and get a dress.

  I was walking down the street to go to Jungkook's house

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I was walking down the street to go to Jungkook's house. I opened the door and blacked out.
Jungkook Pov
Soomin opened the door and I saw behind her a familiar figure. It was Luna. I got in my car and drove to the place she is heading.

I got in and saw the room was all dark. I got my phone flashlight and searched for Soomin. Then I saw....

"Hello Kookie"she says innocently. "What do you want" I replied annoyed. "I just said hi. What do you mean?" She asked. "Are you confused that we're not dating?" I asked. She shook her head no. "Well WERE NOT DATING YOU FÜCKING IDIOT" I yelled. "Fine. Then it would be a disappointment to see Soomin die. Isn't it?" She questioned. "You know. I can also kill Eric if I wanted to." I said. Her face turned pale.

"Don't."she said. "Well. What if I did? Wouldn't that be a shame" I said in a baby voice. "Fine. I'll give Soomin back if you give Eric back. "Okay. Bring her at my house at 6:00" I said.
~hours later~
*knock knock*
I went to open the door and saw Luna holding onto Soomin. I got Eric out as well. a/n:ok quick notice. Sorry this doesn't make any sense sooo \(•-•)/. We swapped each other's soulmates and she left. "Soom Soom wake up" i said. Bts,Leyna and Minghao was already there. She finally woke up after hours.

I'm happy she woke up if not I don't know what I'll do. Anyways...we all watched a movie and fell asleep.

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