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Jungkook Pov
"Hey you good? Tae asked. "Yeah yeah I'm good" I replied. "Really cuz it seems like you like Soomin." Tae says. "Whattttttttttt nahhhhhhhhhhh why you think that?" I asked. "It's really obvious. Ask her to be your girlfriend today" Namjoon says cutting in our conversation. I shook my head. "Fine then she'll find a better man." Namjoon says leaving. "Fine. And don't leave without me for food" I say getting up.

We got ready and went to school. ~big time skip~ It was lunch and I packed my things and booked it to our table.

     I saw Soomin there and said,"Soo-Soomin ca-ca-can y-yo-you co-com-come wi-wit-with me." in between breaths.

      "Okay? Let I'll be right back." We went and went to the roof. "So what did you want to tell me" she asked. "Ever since I've hung out with you,you were the right one and lit up my day. So will you...
Leyna Pov
   We all followed them and kept the door open. "So will you be my girlfriend?" Jungkook asked. We were all dying inside. a/n:tbh that's me and my friend   "Yes." We all ran out and said" CONGRATULATIONS!" "Oh my thanks" Jungkook and Soom Soom said.
Soomin Pov
    Yay! We're now a couple! But I'm not ready to show my true self.

    You know that you can't keep anything away from your boyfriend unless your really good at lying. So I have to keep my best to keep it a secret. "Soomin. We're here let's go!" Daniel says. "Oh okay" I replied. We ended up having a interview.
a/n:hello I'm back from the dead. I'll probably update when I got nothing else to do or just bored. Byeeee. Love your life,live your life,live it to the fullest. Celebrate life💞

High School Secret [Jungkook FF] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now