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Soomin Pov
     Okay. I know that you people(readers) I'm an idol but I also work for this undercover thing. (a/n:here comes me not making sense what so ever) here's what I mean. So my gang and I secretly protect people and we sometimes fight off horrible gangs. a/n:you know what it wasn't that bad hum now enough about me let's get on the story.
Bts Pov
       That night we saw a figure that looks like Soomin. We went closer and that figure vanished. Then we were walking back to the dorms until we saw Soomin.

   "Hey Soom Soom" Tae said. "Oh hey." "What are you doing so late out" Jinnie asked. "Oh I just needed some fresh air. Anyways goodnight" she added. "Goodnight" we all said as it got quieter. We look up and dämnnnnn she got a big house.
Soomin Pov
           I look like a friken panda. I went to the roof top to avoid any social contact a/n: me tbh. I was in dreamland until I heard the bell ring.

       I just stayed and started singing.

a/n: here is the video :)
Jungkook Pov
   Where in the world did that little girl go? I ran to the roof because that's the July place she'll go. I quietly opened the door but I stopped because I heard her singing.

      What the f- she has the FRIKEN voice of an angel a/n: that reminds me of someone *coughmaknaecough*.  She stopped and saw me. "Haha surprise." I said awkwardly. "Nice going Sherlock" she said.

      We walked to the café and once she entered they started to whisper to each other. "Ignore them" I whispered to Soomin. She nodded. Anna was walking to throw her trash away and she didn't get the hint that Soomin isn't a trash bin.

    "Hey do that once more and you know what'll happen" I said. She froze and turned and bowed multiple times.   We went home and hung out.
a/n: here am I!!!!! Sorry. So yeah......this is awkward soooooooo im a go byeeeee

High School Secret [Jungkook FF] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now