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Soomin Pov
     I walked in the gate and I got more mean and stupid comments I just listened but went out the other. I walked and saw Minghao (a/n: YeetLifeYas hehe)   I knew Minghao had a crush on this SPECIAL girl and I practically know him so that's why.

       All I heard was girls fangirling over Minghao.
Omg! Is that The8 from Seventeen?!
                       Girl he's mine
When is he ever yours?
And it goes on and on. I then went to class after saying hi to Minghao.
Leyna Pov
       I went to the usual table we and I mean Bts,me and Soomin.
Namjoon Pov
       "Hey Minghao" I say waving. We've known each other since 4th grade. "Hey guys!" Minghao says. "Who's this beautiful women" Minghao says pointing at Leyna.
Leyna Pov
MY HEART JUST SKIPPED A BEAT! "Oh sorry I'm Leyna" I said. "Oh and I'm- Minghao I know" I say cutting him off. "Well it's nice to meet you" Minghao says.

       "Nice to meet you too" I replied. We all talked it I realized Soomin wasn't here. I know ONE place she would be.

      "Hey guys? Sorry to ruin the moment but Soomin isn't here." "Who she?" asked Minghao "You'll see later. Now come on" I say dragging them.
Soomin Pov
I was on the roof to clear my head until I heard....BANG I think my heart stopped what the fü-" Oh hey Leyna" "hey this here is Minghao.  Minghao this is Soomin." Leyna introduced.

       "Nice to meet you" I say. "Nice to meet you too"  "Wait Leyna. Jun sent me a text to meet him. I'll come back" I say leaving.

      I saw jun and asked" now what". "So you know how Minghao likes someone right?" He asked. "No duh" "I have a plan to bring them together" Jun says. "I'm all ears. Tell me." Jun told me the plan and decided to do it tomorrow.

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