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Jihoon Pov
   "Go get Jungkook and I'll get Eric. Meet me at the roof" I said to Daniel. We split up and I found Eric and dragged him to the roof.

"Wh-wha-what a-are w-w-we do-do-doing he-he-here" Eric asked studdering. "You'll see" I replied.
a/n:sorry i didn't add. Soomin had practice and afterwards stayed at the boss's place. Now let's go
   Daniel brought in Jungkook and I punched him. "What the hëll?!"Jungkook said. "Eric tell him" I commanded. "I'm so sorry that I kissed Soomin. I still love her and couldn't handle." "You may go" I said. Eric bowed and booked it.
Bts Pov
   What?! Jungkook would never do that. "What she didn't? But I saw it" he said. "No you didn't. You came at the wrong timing. Soomin was trying to stop Luna from hurting herself." Jihoon said. "That's not true" he replied. "Tell me what you saw" Jihoon said.

"I saw a hand mark on her face and in her eyes were-pleasing for forgiveness." Jungkook said quietly. "You now know" said Jihoon. Jihoon gave Jungkook a few more punches and.....
Jungkook Pov
  "Can I be alone for a moment" I said. They nodded. "And one more thing she said that she wants to switch schools". My heart just sank to my stomach. They left. What did I just do?!

"SOOMIN" I sobbed.
~next day~
Soomin I'm sorry. I didn't know-Kookie
Soomin plz answer-Kookie
Jihoon told me everything-Kookie
Please. I know what I did wrong. I'm sorry for that-Kookie
I'll make sure to come tomorrow-Kookie
Soomin Pov
I received so many texts from Jungkook. I asked them and they said Jungkook now knows.
~Really BIG time skip~
That night I went to jungkook's house until..*text*
I need you to cover the panda gang. Their not that powerful so you'll be able to defeat them quickly-boss
Okay send me the address and bring the gang there-Soomin
Alley near Billy's Bakery-boss
Got it-Soomin
~hours later~
I finally arrived at Jungkook's house at midnight. Everyone is asleep right? Wrong! I heard a conversation.
Jungkook Pov
"You'll have to wait. She'll come at the concert" Tae said. "Finally let's sleep" Yoongi said.

We went into our rooms and slept.
Soomin Pov
I opened the door to see Jin,Yoongi,Joonie,and Hobi. "Guys" I whispered. They turned around and almost screamed but" Shhhhh. Is Jungkook asleep?" I asked. "Yeah"said hobi. "Okay. I just need to do something real quick. Sleep well" I said.

I went to Jungkook's room and found a diary. I opened it to the recent section.

Soomin left me. I want to talk to her so badly. I screwed up. She left to another school.
I finished reading and it was crumbly. Guess he cried while writing this. I read some more from when we used to hang out. I found a pen and wrote
Hey Jungkook. It's me your ex. I came back surprisingly and wanted to tell you that. Hope your happy with Luna. Even though I might not be around as much hope what I wrote in here will cheer you up.
I finished and went.
a/n:im done for now. I'll post more tomorrow. I'm listening to music right now and an ad had to be like surprised. Oh wait never mind "I need you" came up. I'm a go and read some fanfics. Byeee!

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