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Jungkook Pov
    Today was PE. (a/n:the subject that's practically useless)   We all got ready and saw Soomin. We then got into groups and started to do push-ups and sit-ups. I got 40 push-ups and 20 sit-ups. Soomin got 30 push-ups and 20 sit-ups. Dämn girl. Like half of his class can't do that much.

      We talked and Soomin told us she needed to go to the bathroom and left.
Soomin Pov
     I went to the bathroom and got out. I saw Luna and her gang pilled up with makeup. Like girl I can do it better that you. When I first came,I though she was pennywise. I still see no difference.

   "Where do you think your going" Luna asked blocking the way. "Uhh to PE ya dumbäss" I say leaving. The next thing I knew I got pulled back in the bathroom.

     They started kicking me. They were also recording all of this. "YOU BÏTCH" I yelled pushing their poor helpless leader. "Oh no you didn't" one of Luna's followers says.(let's call her Lina)   They later pushing me in a stall and kept repeatedly hurting me.

     A random girl came and saw everything and ran. I'm gonna die. My last day is today. They kneed me in the head and then my head made an impact on the toilet seat and my world went dark.
Unknown Pov
    I ran as fast as I can to Bts. "Guys.....soomin is.....is getting bullied in the bathroom" I say in between breaths.
Jungkook Pov
      My heart shattered and I didn't think and ran. I heard them calling to me but my only focus is soomin.

        I can't lose her. I came to the bathroom and kicked the door open. "OPEN THE FCKIG DOOR" I yelled. They flinched and then opened it. My heart fell to my stomach when I saw Soomin.

    I picked her up and ran. Bts told me they'll deal with them outside. I ran to the nurse office.

        "Help please" I said to the nurse desperately. "Okay lay her down and you can wait outside" she says. "Okay". I layed Soomin down and whispered "don't leave me" and left.
~BIG time skip cuz I'm lazy~
Soomin Pov
   It was the end of school. I felt a hand on my wrist and the next thing I knew I got dragged in the forest. I saw the same person running after the person dragging me. That person left me and ran.

    "Hey are you okay" she asked. "Yeah I'm fine thanks" I said. "Oh I forgot to introduce myself. I'm Leyna" "I'm Soomin". We later talked and we became friends in a split second.


High School Secret [Jungkook FF] {COMPLETED}Where stories live. Discover now